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2020-09-29 06:00:01

52. Directions:

Write an essay of 160 200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

1 describe the drawing briefly,

2 explain its intended meaning, and then

3 give your comments.

You should write neatly on ANSHWER SHEET 2. 20 points




2010年考研英语 (一)大作文再次考察图画作文,这已是考研写作第十二次考查图画作文这种题型,广大考生应该不会陌生。图中的火锅里,五味杂陈着诸多多元文化元素,大致可分为三类:一是古今名人,包括中国古代的印刷术发明者毕昇,现代作家老舍,16世纪英国作家莎士比亚,现代物理学泰斗爱因斯坦;二是哲学概念,涵盖中国古代的儒、佛、道、仁、礼,西方的启蒙、人本、后现代与解构;以及京剧、功夫、天鹅湖等中外表演艺术。文字说明显示:文化“火锅”,既美味又营养。显而易见,本文的主题是多元文化融合这一正面观点。




As is symbolically illustrated in the portrayal, there is a boiling hotpot containing various ingredients of multi cultures. These pluralistic cultures can be categorized as celebrities home and abroad as Bi Sheng, Lao She, Shakespeare and Einstein, philosophical concepts as Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, benevolence, rite, humanism, enlightenment, post modernism and deconstruction, as well as performing arts as Peking Opera, Kong fu andSwan Lake. We are informed that the culture “hotpot” is both delicious and nutritious.

The purpose of the cartoonist is to show us that instead of being outdated and of little value in a rapidly modernizing world, cultural blending should be encouraged and maintained. On the one hand, mosaic cultures are part of the universal heritage of humanity and they are powerful means of bringing together diverse peoples and social groups. Consequently, cultural reintegration has become indispensable as a means of promoting further culture development and maintenance. On the other hand, for China, as for any other rapidly developing country, there is a danger that age old customs and traditions may become lost in the shadows of modernization. If kung fu, Peking Opera or goose lake ballet ever perished from the earth, it would be a tragedy of immeasurable proportions.

In my view, multi cultures can be kept alive by the people with the time to do so, and is extremely vital in ensuring a community’s future development and prosperity. As a consequence of successful commercialization efforts, unwavering government support and growing interest overseas, the future of cultural blending looks brighter and more secure than ever before.







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