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2020-09-29 06:15:01

Why I hate to learn English Again came the English words and, of course,with my full complaints.I dont know why in this time when translators are always available that we should learn English. In a way, English is very important,but do remember English is only a kind of language,or rather,a tool for communication.So if it goes to be troublesome,it contemporarily lose its value.In realistic,school students are in the anguish with English,which lays more stress on the busy children,conspicuously,they lose heart,me included.And much attention is paid to English,which is completely a waste of time. On the whole,I think it is of no use to learn English.After all, when we are in trouble in English,a translating software can be helpful.So no use for learn it.I dont like to learn English.



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