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2020-09-29 06:20:01



Many senior year students face the choice of either getting a job after graduation or continuing their postgraduate study. To become a postgraduate or an employee? Career or degree? Every graduate s decision. Which would you prefer?


Get a Job First

It is inevitable that most senior students have to choose between pursuing their studies and seeking employment in a certain field. Personally, I prefer to procure a job first after graduation.

To begin with, the current trend is that hands on experience is as important as a degree if not even more so. Especially in dynamic subjects like business, international trade and journalism, employers tend to place more focus on experience than academic performance. This point can be illustrated by the fact that most companies require their new employees to have a certain amount of work experience. In addition, even with students who intend to further their study, knowledge learn at work can help them decide what their focus should be. Otherwise, students enrolled in a postgraduate programme may have to face the challenge of not knowing what his strengths are. Last, students generally speaking can benefit more from a master s programme when they can relate the knowledge back to tasks at work. In this way, instead of being confined in a pure academic environment, students can actually apply the knowledge learn in class to real situations, which is undoubtedly the ultimate aim of higher education.

In conclusion, I believe that graduates should gain work experience first before embarking on postgraduate studies. 211 words


1.Admittedly, with some disciplines such as chemistry and medicine,a master s degree is imperative for employment.


2.Pursuing further study is also an alternative option to avoid the pressure of the current job market.


3.Some people argue that the more qualifications one has obtained, the more choices he will have when it comes to finding a job.


4.there are numerous valuable lessons one can only acquire at work.


5.Jobs can teach an individual in a way that lessons in university cannot.


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