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原创范文2018年1月13日雅思A类写作大作文Task 2真题大作文范文

2020-09-29 09:10:02

We now live in a time when people are perhaps more image conscious than ever before due to social media and the influence of airbrushing in everyday life and in the workplace . Therefore, it appears to me that never should employers merely focus on the quality of work, although it is necessary. Only focusing on the quality of work could indeed boost productivity. For employers, the more productive their employees are, the more profit they will make. In this case, empowering and encouraging employees to improve the quality of work contributes to the greater and increased income of the company and employers as well. But this also unfortunately takes a heavy toll on the company profitability. For example, when employees wearing casually not formally attend a formal meeting, this will impress colleagues or collaborative partners as a worker who does not show enough respect, thus possibly leading to an unnecessary failure in cooperation. However, if employers prioritize the output of employees rather than , professional appearance, this will also inflict a poor image both on the company and on its employees, especially in service industry. This is mainly because first impressions are crucial in these industries. Wearing a uniform or formal attire not just shows respect for customers and clients, but reveals a high quality, professional service or products, an tactic to gain a positive image as well as customer loyalty. Without it, the image of a company will gradually become worse and meanwhile productivity and profitability will thus decrease as well. Such unreasonable work style may also pose threats to the shape of employees’ image. Being committed to the quality of work, some employees, workaholics in particular, will spend too much time improving their work performance and then pay less attention to what they should eat, how much they need to exercise and what kind of clothes they had better wear. If this lasts too long, they will suffer a poor self image and become less confident, particularly in the world where every single individual emphasizes appearance. In conclusion, irreplaceable as the quality of work is, it is not only driving factor for the development of a company and what employees wear and look in the workplace does matter for customers, employers and themselves.(340 words)范文来自邢睿嬴老师。 3.雅思写作之文章结构 P1:引入话题+表明观点不同意 P2:承认只注重工作质量的优势:会给公司带来更多的利润。 P3:指出只注重工作质量的弊端:会使得公司形象受损。 P4:指出只注重工作质量的弊端:会对职员的个人形象造成负面影响。 P5:总结:重申观点 4.雅思写作之高分话题表达 Image conscious 注重个人形象的 Airbrushing 修图 Empower ...to do sth 使能够enable的同义词 Impress 留下...的印象 Unnecessary 不必要的 Inflict 使遭受suffer Formal attire 正装 Tactic 策略 Customer loyalty 顾客忠诚度 Self image 自我形象 irreplaceable 不可取代的 高分结构 the more productive their employees are, the more profit they will make. the more... the more...结构 take a heavy toll on . 对...有负面影响 ...,thus possibly leading to an unnecessary failure in cooperation. 非谓语结构做结果状语 not just shows respect for customers and clients, but reveals Not just...but also的动词平行 To what they should eat, how much they need to exercise and what kind of clothes they had better wear. 三个宾语从句的平行 irreplaceable as the quality of work is 让步状语从句的倒装 4月的雅思报名费又双叒叕要涨价了,留给各位考鸭的时间不多了,赶紧挑个良辰吉日和雅思说分手吧。屠鸭一站成功,从小站雅思开始。



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