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2020-10-12 11:35:01

书面表达书面表达句子开头要大写, 每句之后有标点;前句句末用逗号, 后句开头用小写;前句句末用句号, 后句开头要大写;记住书写须清楚, 因为里面有分数;先草稿, 后定稿, 书写歌谣记牢靠。书写很重要! ! !中考作文评分标准第一档(13 15分)信息完整, 表达流畅, 无语言错误或基本无语言错误。第二档(10 12分)信息基本完整, 表达较流畅, 有少量语言错误, 但不影响意思表达。第三档(7 9分)能传达部分信息, 表达不够流畅, 语言错误较多, 但句子基本可读。第四档(4 6分)只能传达少量信息, 表达不流畅, 语言错误多, 只有少量句子可读。第五档(1 3分)只能传达个别信息, 表达不清楚, 只有个别句子可读。searchsearch(审)心。listlist(列)(列) : :用简单的句子或短语列出文章要点。addadd加加: : 开头和结尾开头和结尾 : :加首尾, 使结构完整;可以采取总分总结构或者总分结构, 开头或结尾的句子应注意简洁, 漂亮。connectconnect连连: : 恰当运用关联词句, 使得文章层次清晰, 各个部分衔接自然。beautifulbeautiful美: 谚语美: 谚语/ /例子例子: :选好词句, 美化文章。在有把握的情况下展示自己的语言功底。(审) : :认真审题, 找出文章要表达的中书面表达写作技巧假如你是Jenny, 你的笔友Mary要来你的家乡 湖北旅行, 但不知道去哪儿好。 请你根据提示, 以e mail的形式给她推荐一个好去处(东湖) 。写作训练一要点提示:1 、 东湖风景区(Scenic Area 位于武汉市武昌区东部。2、 它是国家级national风景区之一,是中国最大的城中湖。3、 它既有迷人的风景, 又具有教育意义。4、 其中行吟阁(听涛区南面) 是为了纪念战国时期著名的爱国诗人屈原而建的。5、 另一处则是鲁迅广场 (听涛区北面) , 有鲁迅的半身雕像。词汇提示:East Lake,patriotic poet 爱国诗人, Tingtao Area听涛区) , commemorate 纪念, statue雕像,Roaming Court行吟阁) , Lu Xun s Square ,写作要求:1 、 不能逐字翻译; 2、 语句通顺; 3、 可适当发挥; 4、 80词左右,开头结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。Dear Mary,I m glad to hear that you are coming to my hometown Hubeiprovince for vacation. You said that you don t know where to visit. Well, I d like you I hope you have a enjoyable trip in Hubei. Yours,Jenny 写作指导一、 审 审文章中心该短文是要求我们以电子邮件的形式为对方介绍某一旅游景点。二、 列 列出文章要点该短文的要点已经以中文的意思列出来了, 只要求我们用合适的英文表达出来即可。三、 加 加首尾, 使结构完整此短文的开头结尾均已给出。四、 连 恰当运用关联词句, 使得文章层次清晰, 各个部分衔接自然。 当然有时候也有必要作些删减, 避免重复。五、 美 选好词句, 美化文章。避免句式单一, 尽可能多地变化句式。 在有把握的情况下展示自己的语言功底, 有时候恰当引用一句名言或谚语会让文章增色。1 . East Lake Scenic Area is in the east of Wuchang.2. It is one of the national scenic areas and the lake is the largest lake in city in China.3. It has fascinating sights and it is also educational.4. To the south of the Tingtao Area, there stands the Roaming Court, which is built to commemorate the great patriotic poet QuYuan.5. To the north of the Tingtao Area, a great spot is LuXun s Squre where you can see LuXun s statue.要点翻译当然也可以有不同的表达。范文Dear Mary,I m glad to hear that you are coming to my hometown Hubeiprovince for vacation. You said that you don t know where to visit.Well, I d like you to visit the East Lake. It is in the east of Wuchang.It is one of the national scenic areas and the lake is the largest lakein city in China. It has beautiful sights and it is also educational.For example, to the south of the TingTao Area, there stands the Roaming Court, which is built to commemoratethe great patrioticpoet QuYuan. And to the north, a great spot is LuXun s Squre where you can see LuXun s statue. Many people would like to visit themevery year. I hope you have a enjoyable trip in Hubei.Yours,Jenny二、以 I have a dream 为题写一篇不少于80个词的短文。要点如下:1. What s your dream?2. Why do you have such a dream?3. How are you going to do to achieve your dream?4. What would you do if your dream came true?以下句型供参考1. My dream is to be /to do /to go 2. I enjoy /like/prefer 3. To make my dream come true, I 4. If my dream comes true



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