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2020-10-12 14:10:01

1150字的英语作文:My family Helloeveryone. My name liYihan. amfrom China. likeplaying football. My mother likes playing tennis.Oh,yes. Myfather. He likes playing computer games. Hello,good morning. Mysister Shedonest like playing sports playingcomputer games. Do you know what she likes? Oh,yes. She likes reading books. myfamily. verymuch. 2初一英语作文150字:我的同学. LiuKai myclassmate转载于:www.zaIdian.cOM 网:我的朋友英语作文150 goodstudent alwaysready helpothers. Oneday hisway school,hesaw littlegirl crossing comingtowards her quickly toofrightened carnearly hit her. Just LiuKairushed up caughther littlegirl saved.She told him where she lived,and he took her home. When LiuKai hurried classroom,theteacher had already begun his lesson. He teacherwhy he late.He whathe had done 3Myhome town 英语作文150 myhometown, my hometown beautifulvillage northernChina. villagehas seventyyears, myhometown, quaintcottage, beautiful villa. beautifulriver, flowing down from mountain.Here manyorchards. sceneryhere verybeautiful. Welcome myhometown. 4初一年级的150字作文:I ChenHuan amLucy. Chen huan mybest friend. someways someways ,we different.Both Chen Huan studyhard. ourfavorite subject English.Also, we like reading so we usuallygo librarytogether. Chen Huan tallerthan me, ammore outgoing than Chen Huan ChenHuan likes listening herhome, likewatching news myhouse. 5初一的英语作文150 字:Want? wanyou.You where .His name Liuyang ,He mygood friend.My name ZhangLu.I am girl,I am 13 .My familyname zhang.Myfirst name Lu,Mytelephone number myTwo brothers.And mysister. myfriends.And Those myparents. yougo star,《yin wei》I《yong yuan》Love you,And you 6初一的150字英语作文:Class Rules classrules myclass. 1.Dontarrive late class.2.Take turns duty,toclean classroomevrry day. 3.Dont eat laughloudly. 4.Dont fight hallways.5.The homework must class.6.Listen carefully veryimportant.But wore importance harmony,treateach other friently. Please follow rules!7初二英语的150 字作文:a flower show .Lastweek Chang Feng Park held flowershow. myfriends. veryglad seeso many beautiful flowers reallyamazed toldme somerare flowers came from Taiwan. Thousands peoplestopped watchedthem tookmany pictures Taiwanhas always been ourcountry. amsure sooner laterwe can go seemany more beautiful flowers. What great fun 8初中英语作文150字:My invention. Myinvention cloudcontroller. screen.Itcan show weatherbecomes too hot, canlet cloudscover makepeople cool. When cancontrol darkclouds,and bring some raindrops.When rainstown, cankeep cloudsaway.And becomegood quickly. Myinvention Earthmore morebeautiful.The people can live betterlife mygrandpas birthday. Our family went back mygrandpas morning.We got together bigfamily dinner celebratehis birthady. We bought bigbirthday cake gavesome presents mygrandpa. afternoon,we went goboating. We had goodtime. My grandpa had nicetime WaterShortage onecan deny watershortage 严肃的问题 which wholeworld (面对). Actually, hasbecome so widespread hasseverely affected people’s daily life (阻碍)thedevelopment globaleconomy. factorscould account followingmight (关键性的)ones.Firstly,the ever increasing (不断增长的) population leadingcause shortage. populationsincrease, watergrows accordingly. secondly, 毫无意识的: showers last too long, taps leftrunning soforth. Last industrialproduction 水污染现有的水资源furthermore. problem,effective measures must takenbefore things get worse. onething, (制定和执行)impose heavypenalty thosewho waste contaminatewaster large scaleeducation campaign should measurestaken, problemcan perfectlysolved nearfuture relevantlaws regulationsshould imposeheavy penalty thosewho waste resources deliberately. large scaleeducation campaign should public’sawareness greatsignificance. publicshould bear economicalsociety everybody’sduty. newly coinedword“online education”may sound strange mostpeople. During pastseveral years, hundreds onlineeducation colleges have 涌现around China. Whycould online education sopopular onething, wewant catchup 快的步伐modern society, we all should possess an(急切而强烈的欲望)to study, while most people nowadays canhardly have (时间和精力) studyfull time school.Furthermore, online education save greatdeal wayspent waybetween home school.Last (快速的)development internet,which(使之成为可能)all our dreams ,shouldalso another(关键的) reason. newform indeed(补充)to traditionaleducational means(方式, 方法). canprovide different learners learn.Most all,through online education, we can growingtendency nowadays mountingnumbers own mobile phones. Does anyone hold sameattitude towards phenomenon?Definitely Actually,opinions vary from person Someemphasize children’susing mobile childrencan contact friendsconveniently especially when dangers.Moreover, mobile phones (装配 有)various interesting games convenientsource relaxation(娱乐和放松的来源)for children who have been under enormouspressures from overload(承担过量学业的压力). peoplehold mobilephones (对…有害) children. onething, (孩子们对…的沉溺)mobile phones limitedtime, which studies.Additionally, radiation from mobile phone (对…产生有害的影响)children’s body health.From my perspective,it unbelievable somestudents carry mobile phones just purposeof(目的)killing precioustime instead parentsregularly. (本应该有利的)tool has become harmful. Accordingly, children should studies ,those which might become distractions should them.217words collegestudents, think(我们是时 候…了)take effective measures Aboveall, college students should realize (adv.进一步地)improvethemselves competitiveedge (竞争优势)in society. Moreover, colleges universitiesshould provide (培训和实习)opportunities before studentsenter society. Besides, college students should set jobexpectations (合适而理智的).Only through wayscan collegestudents find idealjob brighterfuture. (333 words) Currently,thefrequent job hopping graduateshas aroused wide concern among public.Does anyone hold sameattitude toward phenomenon?Definitely issue,opinions vary from person Thosewho hold graduatesclaim doingso, youngsters更有可 能(更了解)other fields 开阔视野).Moreover, changing jobs frequently offers workers However,others take totallydifferent view one’scareer development. 10one thing, commonsaying goes, morefrequent you change your job, lesslikely you expert特定的领域) Secondly, (给雇主留下印象)instability ,wheninterviewing (提问)like“you’ve changed jobs quite frequently. How do we know you’ll stay wehire you? Frommy perspective, frequent job hopping .(并非是件坏 mayoffer them broaderspace careerdevelopment. (更大的发展空间)When people join brandnew working environment ,new colleagues new(企业文化氛围) newjob thus,.(让职业生涯更 上一个台阶) thus, tryseveral posts before finding perfectlyfit drunkendriving has 在公众中引起了广泛关注. Especially younggeneration 11 living driveafter drinking, ignoring behaviormay pose underlying threat (对…产生 潜在的威胁)their precious life mayeven (危害)others. Generallyspeaking, severalreasons accounting phenomenon.Firstly, (意识的确实)of driving security may leadingcauses. people participate moreactivities banquets(比起以前),where mayget drunk drive.Secondly, relevant laws regulationsmay warnpeople driveafter drinking. Drunken driving generatesevere consequence wekeep directly(威胁…的安全)of drivers, passengers pedestrians,resulting trafficaccidents, injuries evendeaths. Besides, treating repairingbroken cars means money, time problem,effective measures must takenbefore things get worse. First, (监管的作用)oflaws regulationsshould strengthenedto(严惩)those who drive after drinking. Secondly, (更大规模的教育活动)should public’sconsciousness 12driving safety. measureadopted, stronglybelieve drunkendriving 注:此文章难度较前面文章有所下降,主要是给写作难度大的同学模仿 growingtendency nowadays mountingnumbers 对…显示出极大地热情volunteerworks. dovoluntary work manyfields varying from offering services sportsevents keepingpassengers busstation soforth. Amplereasons can account firstplace, livingstandard,people (不必要忙于)earning money to.(养家) Instead, can(更好地利用时间)by do something valuable secondplace, influenced by(受到影响) educationcampaign launched Chinesegovernments, Chinese people’s awareness volunteerhas been greatly enhanced. Last least,doing volunteer work also(幸福感和满足感的来源)for most people. 13 easyjob. thosewho want volunteershould possess helpothers society.(难以想象)those who lack love responsibilitycan bring happiness society.196 words Livingalone hasappeared 有激烈的讨论among collegestudents livetogether otherroommates students’dormitory. Opinions vary from person Thosewho Living alone veryconvenient can(享受充分的自由)in canhave ownwithout others. othersargue roommateshas attractions severalstudents (共有)the same room, each person’s experiences canlearn lotfrom talking eachother. Moreover, learningto(忍受)the differences between individuals, canbecome more 成熟的). roommatesbecause Besides,live dormcan help (节约很多钱) .last campuscan help me save greatdeal waybetween whichmeans can(将更多的时间和精力集 mystudies. (包装)in(华美的,花哨的)boxes bags.Taking lookaround,we can find examples ease:asmall computer well designed(塑料袋)which printed various kinds onehand, earnmore 经济收益,(很多)manufactures usually wrap 吸引人的他们的好奇心). otherhand, quite fewcustomers believe moredelicate 产品质量就越好),thenotion has also encouraged excessivepackaging. However, hasmany undesirable consequences onething,it limitednatural resources,which thuspose 潜在的 threat ouroffspring generation(子孙后代). 15 another,customers oftendeceived externalpacking rather than being provided high qualitygoods thinkwe should take followingmeasures. First, laws must excessivepackaging. Second, publiceducation campaign should



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