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《My neighbours》我的邻居英语作文

2020-10-12 14:20:01

My neighbour is an English teacher,and her English name is Kathy. She is kind and humorous. We are good friends. Every time I go to her home, she usually give me some candies and beautiful gifts. I love to talk to her very much. Her voice is beautiful. She likes to tell jokes and stories. She also help me a lot with my English. When I have some English questions to ask for help, she is always patient and strict with me. She loves flowers very much. There are always some pretty flowers in her bedroom. I sometimes invite her to my home to play games, too. I love my neighbour . 希望能帮到你!如有不明白的,欢迎随时提问!望采纳,谢谢!祝学习进步,天天开心! 注:写邻居,其实也是写人,只要你掌握了写人的技巧,写邻居也是同样的道理。



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