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my dream home 英语作文 50个单词左右 明天就要!!!!求大神帮助

2020-10-12 14:30:01

Everyone has their own dream homes. Me and my family want to live in Shanghai. 市。 It is one of the world‘s beautiful and modern city. My new house at the Huangpu River near. 。 It at the first layer 间。 It is not, has six rooms.。 My favorites are places balcony. 。 I can read on the balcony gardening. 。 Morning I could see the busy streets and river vessels 。 Tonight, I have the ability to appreciate the bright lights of the river bankThere are two armchairs in the living room, a short coffee table and a bookcase. My new house has two bathrooms and a large kitchen. 。 I am very good at cooking. Me and my parents shared this apartment. 。 Our neighbors are very friendly. At my dream home I am happy and comfortable.



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