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2020-10-12 15:05:01

unit3人物话题作文: My Best Friend 本节课的学习任务: 写一篇描述人的外貌 look、性格(characters)、爱好 (hobbies)的文章 What does he look like? Let’s review some words! short What does he / she look like? tall thin heavy/ fat What does he look like? short hair long hair What does he look like? outgoing 外向的 serious 严肃的 friendly lazy cute 可爱的 shy 内向的 like doing ... 描述外貌的单词: short , tall, thin ,of medium height ,strong, good looking, nice, slim 苗条 描述性格的单词:lazy, quiet, friendly, shy, kind hearted 善良的, polite 有礼貌的,strict 严厉的, out going 外向的 描述穿着的短语:wear a T shirt, wear a pair of glasses 描述爱好的短语:like reading, like to help others, like eating, like playing basketball 3. Word collection: A: What does xxx look like? B: He/ She is … A: What is his / her character? B: He / She is… A: What does he/ she like? B: He/ She likes … Part3 Write something about this boy. 3 5句话 提示词: tall,thin,black hair; wear shorts and a T shirt; polite有礼貌的,happy Name Ma Xiaotiao Age 15 Look tall,thin,black hair, wear shorts and a T shirt Favorite food hamburgers,fried chicken Favorite classes science, art, PE Things he likes little animals Things he likes to do play with his good friends, help others Character 性格 kind hearted(善良的), polite 有礼貌的 4. Writing task: 根据表格所提供的信息写一篇短文,描述你的好友马小跳,80个左右的单词, 开头已经给出。 开头: Ma Xiaotiao is my best friend. He…



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