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成为一名志愿者 Being a Volunteer

2020-10-12 15:55:02

Last week, our school held an activity to the nursing house to visit the old people. I was so excited to be a volunteer, because it was my first time to join such big activity. When we got there, the old people were so happy to see us. They smiled all the time. We brought them some fruit and presents, and they were so moved. When we chatted face in face, they talked about the old times and the happiness they had. I thought about my grandparents, who lived in the hometown. I should spend more time with them. Being a volunteer is such a precious experience for me.上周,我们学校举行了一次去养老院看望老人的活动。作为志愿者我非常兴奋,因为那是我第一次参加这样大型的活动。当我们到那里的时候,老人们看到我们都非常高兴,他们脸上一直挂着笑容。我们给他们带来了一些水果和礼物,他们很感动。我们面对面聊天时,他们谈论以前的一些事情以及快乐。我想到了我的爷爷奶奶,他们住在,我应该多花点时间和他们在一起。作为一个志愿者对我来说是非常宝贵的经验。 查看全文



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