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2020-10-12 16:00:01

PEP六年级英语下册第一单元测试题一 、 写单词更高的 更矮的 更强壮的 年龄更大的 更年轻的更大的 更重的 更长的 更瘦的 更小的按要求写单词:tall反义词 strong比较级 older反义词 funnier原形 heavy比较级 thin比较级 bigger原形 long比较级 二、 填空1 .I am old than my brother .2. How tall are you ?3. You are 4cm tall than me .4. The brown monkey is strong than the yellow one.5. The little monkey is funny than the yellow one . 6.I’m youngand heavy than you .7. How heavy are you ?8. I’m thin than you .9. A sperm whale is than a killer whale in its length.10. A killer whale is than a sperm whale in its size .11. She is tall than me .12. My hands are big than yours.13. How big are your feet ?14 She is 2 years old than me .三、选择 1. tall are you ? A. Who B. How C. Which 2. I am than you . A. tall B. short C. older 3. I am taller than you . A. one year B. 3cm C. 2kg 4. How tall are you ? . A. I’m 12 years old . B. I’m 164 cm . C. I’m 50 kg. 5. How long is tail ? A. it B. it’s C. its PEP六年级英语下册第一单元测试题一 、 写单词更高的 更矮的 更强壮的 年龄更大的 更年轻的更大的 更重的 更长的 更瘦的 更小的按要求写单词:tall反义词 strong比较级 older反义词 funnier原形 heavy比较级 thin比较级 bigger原形 long比较级 二、 填空1 .I am old than my brother .2. How tall are you ?3. You are 4cm tall than me .4. The brown monkey is strong than the yellow one.5. The little monkey is funny than the yellow one . 6.I’m youngand heavy than you .7. How heavy are you ?8. I’m thin than you .9. A sperm whale is than a killer whale in its length.10. A killer whale is than a sperm whale in its size .11. She is tall than me .12. My hands are big than yours.13. How big are your feet ?14 She is 2 years old than me .三、选择 1. tall are you ? A. Who B. How C. Which 2. I am than you . A. tall B. short C. older 3. I am taller than you . A. one year B. 3cm C. 2kg 4. How tall are you ? . A. I’m 12 years old . B. I’m 164 cm . C. I’m 50 kg. 5. How long is tail ? A. it B. it’s C. its 6. My hands are than yours. A. big B. biger C. bigger 7. How big your feet ? A. is B. are C. than 8. A boy is . A. 35m B. 35cm C. 35kg 9. My pencil is than yours. A. older B. younger C. longer 10. A mouse is than an elephant. A. heavier B. stronger C. shorter 11.How are you? I m 40 kg. A. much B. heavy C. many 12.How is Tom? He is 160 cm tall. A. heavy B .tall C. big 13. monkey is stronger? The brown monkey is stronger. A. What B. Who C. Which 14. is heavier than you? Tom is heavier than me. A. Which B. What C. Who 15.My brother is than me. A. heavy B. heavier C. heavyer 16.My arms longer than yours. A. am B. is C. are五、阅读理解,判断正误。对的写T,错的写F 。My name is John , I am 12 years old. I am 160 cm tall . I am 48 kg . I have a brother , his name is Jack . He is 12 years old , too. He is taller than me . He is 50 kg . He is stronger than me . 1. Jack is older than John. 2. Jack is heavier than John. 3. Jack is shorter than John. 4. John is 48 kg . 5. Jack is shorter than John. 6. My hands are than yours. A. big B. biger C. bigger 7. How big your feet ? A. is B. are C. than 8. A boy is . A. 35m B. 35cm C. 35kg 9. My pencil is than yours. A. older B. younger C. longer 10. A mouse is than an elephant. A. heavier B. stronger C. shorter 11.How are you? I m 40 kg. A. much B. heavy C. many 12.How is Tom? He is 160 cm tall. A. heavy B .tall C. big 13. monkey is stronger? The brown monkey is stronger. A. What B. Who C. Which 14. is heavier than you? Tom is heavier than me. A. Which B. What C. Who 15.My brother is than me. A. heavy B. heavier C. heavyer 16.My arms longer than yours. A. am B. is C. are五、阅读理解,判断正误。对的写T,错的写F 。My name is John , I am 12 years old. I am 160 cm tall . I am 48 kg . I have a brother , his name is Jack . He is 12 years old , too. He is taller than me . He is 50 kg . He is stronger than me . 1. Jack is older than John. 2. Jack is heavier than John. 3. Jack is shorter than John. 4. John is 48 kg . 5. Jack is shorter than John.



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