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英语演讲稿:教育不平等的现状 Educational Inequality

2020-10-12 17:50:01

演讲者: Shakira

Good morning Your Highness, excellencies, friends, and colleagues. I would like to thank you for the opportunity to be here today.


It s also an honor to join forces with Educated Child, an organization led by a woman who is an amazing role model — a woman who has shown such relentless dedication to getting every child in school.

我也很荣幸能与由一位女性领导的组织“Educated Child”携手合作,这位女性是非常了不起的榜样——她一直致力于让每个孩子都有学上。

This is such an exciting day for us because it marks the beginning of a new era in my home country Colombia.


Most of you may know me as an artist, as an entertainer, and that s indeed my calling and what I ve been doing since I was 13 years old,


but I never would have imagined when I started out that my work as an artist would end up being the vehicle for me to serve my greater purpose in life of working towards eradicating poverty through the power of education.


As a Colombian citizen inequality as a concept that sadly one becomes very familiar with at a very young age.


It s a country like many others in Latin America where a few have a lot, a lot have almost nothing, and where if you re born poor, you will almost certainly die poor,


and where people don t access equal opportunities, and because of that generation after generation after generation live trapped in the same vicious cycle fed by prejudice and inaction.


Growing up in my country when I was around eight years old, I remember I saw kids my age who, instead of being in school were already working in the streets, were barefoot in the park; kids like me whose reality was completely different than mine only because of the circumstances into which they were born.


It was really hard for me to accept that to accept that something so unjust didn t have a solution.


There had to be something that could be done.


So I often asked myself why the adults around me were so resigned to the fact that these kids who were just like me or even their own children were living in a parallel reality so different and so cruel.




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