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假如你叫 暑假你和父母去墨尔本旅游.英语作文请按以下几点写信给你的笔友Jim 分享你

2020-10-12 19:35:01

My dear Jim, I have some exciting news to share with you. Guess where I went in my winter holiday?Its Melbourne in Austrilia. We truly had a great time there. Melbourne is a very wonderful place indeed. The streets are so clean. On both sides of the streets there are various buildings designed in a vast variety of styles. There is a place called C hina town in city Melbourne, where many stores are owned by Chineses immigrants. We had our dinner in a restaurant in China town and did some shopping there. It was quite One of the most impressive experience I had in Melbourne is to watch the smallest pengiun in the world. We were lucky to see them returning to their nest. What lovely creatures they are! All right. That is my trip to Melbourne. Its my pleasure to write messages to you.Look forward to your reply. My friend. Cheers Li Hua

假如你叫 暑假你和父母去墨尔本旅游.英语作文请按以下几点写信给你的笔友Jim 分享你的旅游经历。



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