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A special gift

2020-10-13 07:00:01

A special gift

作者:朱闲林时间:2018 06 12 18:30:36

Last summer vocation, I received a special gift form my mother . Do you know what it is ? It’s a swimming training card.

Swimming is my favourite sport . Every day , I warm up first , then I jump into the water . Wow , it’s so cool, but I feel happy ! I like playing in the water ,and feel free like a fish . I swim the 500 meter freestyle first , then I swim the 500 meter backstroke and the 500 meter breaststroke, too . Maybe you would say : how can you do it ? it’s impossible! But I did it , just because it is a special gift.

After training , I got more confidence , I got a healthy body, I got more friends. I love this special gift from my mother.

That’s all . Thank you .



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