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2020-10-13 16:55:01


宅在家里10多天后,我写完了所有的寒假作业,除了每天两次在家门口跳绳,其余时间只能和课外书相伴。虽然充裕的时间解了我读课外书的饥渴,但里播报的疫情渐渐消磨了读书带给我的愉悦,我开始想念老师,想念同学,想念篮球场......在接到开学延迟的消息时,曾经那么渴望假期的我,心里竟涌起浓浓的失望和淡淡的忧伤: 我什么时候才能回到校园,什么时候才能见到老师和同学?

After staying at home for more than 10 days, I finished all my winter vacation homework. Except for skipping rope at the door twice a day, I can only accompany extracurricular books for the rest of the time. Although I have plenty of time to relieve my hunger and thirst for extracurricular books, the epidemic situation in the news gradually dissipated the pleasure brought by reading. I began to miss my teachers, classmates and basketball court... When I received the news of the delay in school opening, I was so eager for the holiday, and my heart was filled with deep disappointment and light sadness: when can I go back to the campus and what When can I see my teachers and classmates?


Looking out of the window at the warm and bright sunshine, vigorous and lush trees, free flying birds, lively and lively nature, I began to complain: when can the epidemic pass? When can I go to the basketball court and sweat?

当晚的联播,我又看到了钟南山院士接受新华社的采访: 新冠病毒来源于蝙蝠,但如何通过中间宿主传染给人没有定论。为了保护自己和别人,每个人都不要到处乱跑,因为没有特效药...... 我很快就安静下来。

In the news broadcast that night, I saw academician Zhong Nanshan give an interview to Xinhua News Agency: the source of the new coronavirus is bats, but how to infect people through intermediate hosts is uncertain. In order to protect themselves and others, everyone should not run around because there is no special medicine... I soon calmed down.


When academician Zhong Nanshan said that a student told him that after the closure of Wuhan, many people opened their windows, sang the national anthem and looked at each other from afar, cheering each other up, his eyes were red and almost fell into tears. At that moment, my eyes were wet. In the news, the medical staff who snatched lives with the disease day and night, bid farewell to their parents, lovers and children s rescue team members who rushed to Wuhan, spread the voice of the party and the government on the front line of the epidemic, reported the epidemic and countless touching stories, and organized volunteers to pick up medical staff spontaneously after the bus stopped... They moved the disaster.

我们要管好自己,不去人为传播病毒,就是对 抗疫 前线的最大支援!

We should take good care of ourselves and not spread the virus artificially, which is the greatest support to the front line of anti epidemic !


This is isolation and watch, through this epidemic, to teach me thinking.



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