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2020-10-13 19:15:01


有一位84岁的老医生,为国家操劳了一辈子,和病毒战斗了一辈子,他就是中科院院士 钟南山。在2003年的抗击非典中,他战功赫赫,拯救了许多生命,连时任的广东省委书记张德江都说: 如果没有钟南山,抗击非典的结果可能要改写。 这句话的背后,是一个个惊险的故事。

There is an 84 year old doctor who has worked for the country and fought against the virus all his life. He is Zhong Nanshan, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In the fight against SARS in 2003, he made great contributions and saved many lives. Even Zhang Dejiang, then Secretary of the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee, said, without Zhong Nanshan, the results of the fight against SARS may have to be rewritten. Behind this sentence, there are thrilling stories.

2002年11月,广东佛山出现了第一个非典病例。这是一钟可怕的病毒,很容易传播,一旦被感染了就可能死亡,并且暂时无药可救。病人一波一波地涌入医院,医护人员一批一批地被感染,躺在病床上,一天天恶化。医生对这种病毒措手不及。这样的日子不知过了多久,直到钟南山先生的出现,才开始慢慢好转起来。有一位有权威人士宣称: 病原基本可确定是衣原体,并建议使用抗生素治疗。 之后媒体开始大量报道,只有钟南山坚决反对,并根据自己做出的实验表示用抗生素无效。终于在他的坚持下,广东在非典防治中没有走更多的弯路,广东省SARS病死率全球最低。他还直呼 把最重的病人送到我这来 。如果不是钟南山的坚持,也许非典的结果真的要改写。

In November 2002, the first SARS case occurred in Foshan, Guangdong Province. It s a terrible virus. It s easy to spread. Once it s infected, it may die, and there s no cure for it. The patients poured into the hospital one by one, and the medical staff were infected one by one, lying on the bed, worsening day by day. The doctor was unprepared for the virus. I don t know how long it took until Mr. Zhong Nanshan s appearance, he began to get better. The pathogen is basically chlamydia and antibiotic treatment is recommended, one authority declared After that, the media began to report a lot, only Zhong Nanshan firmly opposed it, and according to his own experiments, said that the use of antibiotics was invalid. Finally, under his insistence, Guangdong did not take more detours in SARS prevention and control, and the mortality rate of SARS in Guangdong Province was the lowest in the world. He also called out bring the heaviest patient to me. . If not for Zhong Nanshan s insistence, maybe the result of SARS really needs to be rewritten.

2019年12月,一种名叫新型冠状病毒的肺炎,在中国逐渐蔓延,其中武汉最为严重。84岁的他一边告诉公众 尽量不要去武汉 ,一边自己登上去武汉的高铁,挂帅出征。那急促又铿锵的步伐,那匆忙又坚定的背影,那疲惫又刚毅的眼神,给患者,给百姓带来希望的曙光。

A novel coronavirus pneumonia in China gradually spread in December 2019, and Wuhan was the most serious. At 84, he told the public to try not to go to Wuhan , while boarding the high speed railway in Wuhan himself, he took the lead in the battle. The hurried and sonorous steps, the hurried and firm back, the tired and resolute eyes bring hope to the patients and the people.


From that moment on, I saw the back of medical workers without a warm flow in my heart. Those hasty and resolute white backs give us the confidence to defeat the virus. At this time, the hospital is the battlefield, and the doctor is the hero. At this moment, these soldiers in white are rushing forward, using their own flesh and blood, to build a solid fortress for the hundreds of millions of people behind them, and protect the hundreds of millions of people behind them.


This firm figure is the conscience and courage of a scientist. Under the disaster, human nature is the most obvious. Some people make a lot of money while they are in chaos; some cheat to protect their officials; some people panic; some people can t avoid it. However, there are also people like Zhong Nanshan who stand up in the crisis and march forward bravely, with their left hand against the disaster and their right hand holding the truth. Such people are the pillars of the country and the backbone of the nation.


Mr. Zhong Nanshan, with a heart to save the world, a passion for children, a height of super medical skills, and a loyalty, it is the good fortune of all Chinese people to have such a person to carry our weight forward. I believe that as long as we actively cooperate, this disaster will be calmed down in the indomitable willpower of our Chinese people. Come on, Wuhan! Come on, China! We must win this sniper battle!



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