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2020-10-14 23:40:01

There is a swan, like in the lakes and swamps of habitat, mainly aquatic plants. Every year, they SanSiYue group from south to north in China, flying northern frontier province reproduce themselves by laying eggs. The female swans are in the fifth year gave birth to three, female, goose lay eggs to guard gander moment not leave. An October, they would flock NaQian. In the southern a warmer climate YangXi winter.In China, the majestic tianshan feet a swan lake environmenl, each year, there are two seasons off thousands of swan in green water, like the blue roamed the casual clouds, waving gorgeous.Swan maintained a rare "lifelong companion" winter in the south, whether feeding or rest are pairing. The female swans laying eggs, swan beside, meet DiHai guarded it wings beating up against them, brave and each other. They are not only in their help each other, also in pairs, if a death, one can indeed feast of ", "lifelong live alone.



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