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我是大一学生 想以对话形式写一篇关于介绍自己朋友的英语作文 还望高手指教 感激不

2020-10-15 20:15:01

A:Welcome.What can I do for you?B:Well.You know ,the spring is coming.I want to buy a new dress which is suitable for sping wear.A:Come and have a look.We have a dress of a new style.It is very modern for young lady to wear.B:Oh,it is so cute,really. I like it very much.Do you think it is suitable for me?A:Certainly.You look so beautiful and attractive.This new dress will make you much more lovely.I am sure you will be a man killer with it.B:Are you sure?But I dont like this colour.I wonder if you have the purple one.You know my favourit colour is purple.A:Well.Let me see.Ok.Wait a minute.Let me get you a purple one in the storage.B:Thank you.By the way,how much is it?A:It is 500 dollars.You may have a discount if you really want to have it.B:Of course,I want it.You know it is just during the economical crisis.I think you would like to give me much more discount.By the way,I need a one of middle size.A:Here you are.Let me see.You can pay 480 dollars for it.B:Well.I will take it.Pack it up for me,please.A:Ok,no problem.Here is your change.B: Thank you.A:You are welcome.

我是大一学生 想以对话形式写一篇关于介绍自己朋友的英语作文 还望高手指教 感激不尽急急急!谢谢大家

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