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2020-10-15 22:25:01

这个寒假,学校的老师们没有闲着。为了制定一份科学可行的 停课不停学 的学习方案,各个学科组通过视频会议形式反复讨论,反复打磨。很多老师也是第一次尝试线上讲课,因为不熟悉操作,前几天还有老师一节课反复录了七遍。同学们现在看到的每一节微课视频,都带着为人师者的职业责任感新鲜出炉。感念我们爱岗尽职的老师,谢谢你们。

This winter vacation, the school teachers are not idle. In order to make a scientific and feasible learning program of no suspension of classes , each subject group discussed and polished repeatedly in the form of video conference. Many teachers are also the first to try online lectures, because they are not familiar with the operation. The other day, a teacher recorded a lesson seven times repeatedly. Students now see every micro class video, with a new sense of professional responsibility as a teacher. Thank you for our dedicated teachers.


Today, online teaching is on schedule. We have changed our teaching environment and new learning methods. Maybe in the beginning, the running in is not so smooth and doesn t matter. If there is a problem, we can communicate and adjust together. When you are tired, you can put it forward in time. Let s relax in group exercise, relieve eye fatigue and move your body.


Students, home based learning means that we have more free time to do what we want to do, which is also a greater challenge to our ability of independent learning. To be exact, self regulated learning and self management are both required courses in our whole life. Without the teacher s supervision, we should be more aware of the motivation of self study and try to understand why we learn. Everyone s growth ultimately depends on their own to complete, one day in the future, when you look back on this experience, I hope you don t have too much regret at that time.

前天,我从中看到这样一张照片 在首批入住武汉 方舱医院 患者里,有一位年轻人戴着口罩躺在床上,翻看着手中厚厚的书,神情专注。我看了心里很感触:在感染上疾病时,这位年轻人也没有忘记阅读和思考。镇定之中生发的强大精神力量,也给其他不少努力 抗疫 的人们勇气和宽慰。

The day before yesterday, I saw such a picture in the news among the first group of patients admitted to Wuhan fangcang hospital , a young man was lying on the bed wearing a mask, turning over the thick book in his hand, looking attentively. When I saw it, I felt that the young man did not forget to read and think when he was infected with the disease. The powerful spiritual power generated by calmness also gives courage and comfort to many other people who have made great efforts to fight the epidemic.


Students, when we can t do anything, please put a desk in the inner world and dive down to learn. I believe that as long as this ability does not shrink, there will be hope for our nation. And time will be the best witness. What efforts we have made now, what confidence we will have in the future.


Finally, I wish you all a healthy and safe life. I look forward to seeing you again on campus in the sunshine and spring breeze.



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