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2020-10-15 22:35:01

A Childhood Event Many people say that I am staid and quiet, but actually, I am a little boyish. The appearance you know as a quiet girl dose not reflect my true character. When I was a child, I was so naughty. Playing pranks was the most entertaining thing in my daily life. Of course, I brought a lot of troubles to my parents. But that all changed after I got a gun. Don’t be nervous, it was a toy gun. It played a very significant role in my childhood. At that time, I was attracted by the police stories on TV. I think a lot of people having an emotion of heroism when they were young. So did I. To be a policewoman in the future was the biggest ideal for me. As the saying goes, No one knows a man better than his own father. So my father gave a toy gun to me as a present on my birthday. Maybe he also wanted to buy a doll or a skirt to his daughter like other fathers, but he knew that I would not be happy if he did that. I was satisfied with his cognition. After I got the toy gun, my wish was even stronger. At first my mother often complained my father about buying it for me. She thought that a girl should be like a girl. But after my father said, “What can be more important than she chooses to be an ordinary person!” my mother never complained again. I felt something strange in my father’s words, but I was not entangled with it. I started to prepare for being a policewoman. But it would be a little boring if I did it only by myself. So I decided to set up a “police detachment”. I asked a boy who was often treated by me to join the honorable team, I would be the leader and he would be the team member. At first he did not say yes. But at the moment he saw I took the gun out, he nodded his head hurriedly. I swore that I did not mean to threaten him, I just wanted to make a show of the toy gun. My father told me that if I wanted to be a policewoman, the most important requirement was to have a strong and healthy body. If not, I would not have the ability to catch the evildoers. I took his advice seriously and started to get up early in the morning then went for running in the park not far from my home with my “team member”. At first I felt tired and it was in winter, getting out of my bed was so difficult. But I knew that all of the policemen had strong will. So no matter how cold the weather was, I still carried on exercising. I asked that boy to buy a toy gun so that we could practice shooting together. My father was so interested in our training, he often taught us how to aim at the target and how to shoot. His enthusiastic behavior showed that he also wanted to join our team. But I ignored my father’s aspiration to prevent him from taking my place of the leadership. We spent many hours on improving our technical ability every day. What surprised me was that I did not feel boring or tired. Under my father’s guidance and our hard working, we had progressed rapidly. We often went to the park to test our training results because there was a shooting game. It was managed by an old grandfather. While other people shot the balloons for fun, that boy and I regarded theballoons as criminals one by one. Of course, we got a lot of prize from that old man. Maybe he did not welcome us because one day when we asked him to give us the bullets again, he said “There are so many games in the park why do you only play this one!” At last, I did not realize my wish to be a policewoman, but my “team member”, the timid boy, went to the Police Training School which I had never thought of. I always talk to him that it is my contribution. But he does not listen to me like before because he was much taller and stronger than me. Although I did not become a member of the police, I really corrected many bad habits after I had got the toy gun. I learned to concentrate on one thing and keep a good habit. But I did not mean to describe something moving like a bad child turns to be a better person. I just recognize it as an interesting memor.

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