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以“spring“为题写一篇英语作文五句话即可 只需小学六年级水平

2020-10-16 01:20:01

同问以“spring“为题写一篇英语作文(五句话即可,只需小学六年级水平) 检举 2012 4 4 16:37 提问者: 清扬洗发水123 浏览次数:180次我来帮他解答 图片符号编号排版地图您还可以输入9999 个字您提交的参考资料超过50字,请删除参考资料:匿名 检举 2012 4 4 16:41 满意回答 In spring, the days get warmer and warmer, the sky is blue, the air is clean, the trees and grass turn green, and all kinds of flowers are beautiful. There are so many beautiful things.In spring, I can store my winters clothes in the bag under my bed and put on the sweater or other springs clothes. Theyre colorful and trendy. I can do enough outdoor activities, like flying kites.In spring, I like going out for a walk when it rains. I think its a wonderful thing. The rain washes away the drought of winter and brings in nice and wet air.Spring is the most beautiful and the most wonderful season. I love everything that the spring brings. When you finish reading this passage, I hope you will love spring, too. 你可以从中挑几句 都不错。 望采纳!已赞同3 评论



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