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求一篇英语作文.城市生活和乡村生活的区别.要求:80词左右 不能用翻译器!

2020-10-16 13:00:01

Life in a city and the countryside There are many difference between the living conditions of people in a city and in the countryside. Life in the countryside seems to offer much closeness to Nature and among people, but to me, living in a city is obviously more colorful and fulfilling. In a city, one can usually find many interesting places such as museums and parks to go and see, while in the countryside the places one can go to are limited. Another major differences are that of going to school. A city usually has many good schools, where teachers are of high level and teaching facilities are advanced, which in turn can train high level students. But in the countryside, teaching conditions are low so that the number of students who can go to college is small. An equally important contrast is the variation of shopping facilities. In a city anyone can shop around until they buy what they are satisfied. For examplae, if you want to buy an overcoat, there are many shopping centers you can go to where you can select and bargain. In the countryside, as there are much fewer shopping facilities, people do not have the choice in the first place. On the whole, life in a city has many advantage over that in the countryside.



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