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假如你是李华 你班同学于5月1日组织了郊游活动 请你用英文100至120词写一篇日记。内

2020-10-16 13:05:01

Saturday May 1, 2010SunnyOur class went on an outing today.In the morning at 7:30, we gathered at the school gate and set off on a large bus.An hour later, we arrived at the Forest Park.Getting off, we started our journey at once.First, we climbed the green hills and on the way tried our luck to hunt for the hidden treasure.Next, we toured around the lake on a comfortable boat.The beautiful scenery was really a feast for the eyes.Then by noon time, we landed and settled at an open area, where we enjoyed a wonderful picnic.After eating, we sang and danced happily and played some interesting games.The day passed quickly.Finally it was time for us to return.So at 3:00 pm, we cleaned the ground, made our way to the parking lot, got on the bus and left, laughing and shouting happily.It was really an exciting trip since we had long been busy with our school work. 本文是应用文中常见的一种:日记。首先要注意日记的时态通常为过去时。本文的要点基本给出,只要翻译成英语即可。建议考生按照时间顺序表述各个事件,注意使用表示时间先后的关联词,让文章更有条理。

假如你是李华 你班同学于5月1日组织了郊游活动 请你用英文100至120词写一篇日记。内容要点如下:时间地点内容7:30校门口集合 乘大巴出发8:30theForestPark.爬



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