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2050年你将会是怎样英语作文 有关户外运动的资料英语预习

2020-10-17 05:45:01

Peoples life in the year of 2050 In the year of 2050 the high school students will nearly have no homework.They will only needlearn how to use computer and computer progrems.If they were ill,they wouldnt need to go to hospital to see the doctor.Why they dont go to the hospital isnt they have strong bodies.Because in that time the computer can act as a doctor,and even it can see very the bad ill.In that time lots of people have been live in moon and Mark star,so we wi ll visit to the moon and the Mark star.Now in common life we have a besy traffic.In the of 2050 the earth will carmdown instead of noisiness.In the year of 2050 we will keep tach will the frindly people from other stars.



我的爸爸作文800 我是一个懂事的孩子作文100字 中国作文网 以他们为题的作文600字 关心的作文300字 我的房间作文100字 高中英语优秀作文 关于如何学好英语的英语作文 教资作文怎么写 五个作文开头 我的责任作文300字 上海中考满分作文 尝试作文350字 成长是一首歌作文 俄语作文我的假期 志愿者活动作文 一件有意义的事作文600字 划船作文300字 范儿作文800字 我长大了100字作文 什么样的爸爸作文 写照片的作文 神话故事作文350字 6.1儿童节作文 今天我当家作文 在拼搏中成长作文 70字作文 偶像的作文 我作文600字 假如我是彩虹作文