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2020-10-17 05:50:01

关于春天的英语作文:春的气息Cold, winter grandpa took the voice silently with lightsome pace came to earth. The earth recovery, all things recovery. The lawn, the grass out in both the small green head, curiously look in all directions. The river, rows of willows bent, appreciate the beautiful reflection in the water on your own. Long branches grew pale green leaf bud. A gust of wind blowing, as if a girl blowing hair, pretty great. Park, the voice like a beautiful faery, dress up the earth extraordinarily beautiful. All kinds of flowers blossom, to outshine each other. Have a pink peach blossom, jasmine, white pear, golden and wearing dahongpao azaleas... Very beautiful flowers, send out a seductive fragrance, intoxicating. Sing and butterfly, hard working bee they are free to fly in the flowers. In the woods, a bird "chirping merrily with the smell of spring. She fell asleep for a winter animals aroused by birds singing. Frogs singing in the fields, duck mother led the little ducks playing in the river. Everywhere a vibrant scene. "A year is spring, spring is beautiful! Lets go to feel the breath of spring!冬爷爷带走了大地的严寒,春姑娘迈着轻盈的脚步悄悄的来到人 间。大地回春,万物复苏。草坪上,小草们纷纷探出了绿色的小脑袋, 好奇地东张西望。小河边,一排排的柳树弯下了腰,欣赏着自己在水 中美丽的倒影。长长的枝条长出了嫩绿的叶芽。一阵春风吹过,好像 姑娘飘动的长发,好看极了。公园里,春姑娘像个花仙子,把大地装 扮得格外美丽。各种各样的花儿竞相开放、争奇斗艳。有粉红的桃花、 金黄的迎春花、雪白的梨花、还有披着大红袍的杜鹃花……姹紫嫣红, 散发出一阵阵诱人的芳香,令人陶醉。能歌善舞的蝴蝶,勤劳的蜜蜂 它们在花丛中尽情地飞舞。树林里,小鸟“叽叽喳喳”欢快地传递着 春的气息。沉睡了一个冬天的小动物们被小鸟的歌声唤醒了。青蛙在 田里歌唱,鸭妈妈带领着小鸭子们在河里嬉戏。到处一片生机勃勃的 景象。“一年之际在于春”,春天真美啊!让我们去感受这春天的气 息吧!



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