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2020-10-17 19:55:01

Everyone has his dreams, but not all these dreams can come true. People give up their dreams for this or that reason. Those whose dreams become true have at least one thing in common, that is, they always hold fast to their dreams. Marie Curie, a famous scientist, has set a good example. In 1898, Marie found a new element in the pitchblende. In order to prove her discovery, she must get it and show it to the world. Then to get the new element became her dream and goal of her life. After four years"" hard work and refinement of tons of pitchblende, Marie and her hus band at last saw the dim blue light of the new element radium. Her dream had come true. There are many other examples. Just around us, for instance, the athletes who gain the gold medals, the artists who are popular with the public, and even the students who enter tile university after years of hard study and preparation, are all dream holders.

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  1. 2020-08-11 01:40IVY@尘隐[台湾省网友]IP:736118018


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