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2020-10-18 23:15:01

According to IUCNs世界自然保护联盟的 recent Red List of Threatened Species(受到威胁的物种), the polar bear is listed as a “vulnerable” species that is threatened with extinction(灭绝). Besides, a quarter of the worlds species will be on their way to extinction by 2050 as a result of accelerating加速的 climatic changes directly linked to human use of fossil fuels燃料. The latest findings show that the earth is warming faster than at any time in the past and climate change in the Arctic, where polar bears live, is expected to be among the greatest of any region on the earth. “Climate change is one of the biggest threats to our planet,” said Julia Langer, director of the Global Threats Program. “Climate change is happening now and greenhouse gas is the main reason,” she added.



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