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2020-10-20 21:50:01

考研英语中的应用文被称为小作文,除此以外还有一个大作文,而在大作文的考查中,图画作文占有很大的比重,而图画作文每个段落其实都各有分工,之前我们说过第一段的写作策略,今天就为大家总结一下第一段的常用句式。第一段常用首句句式The pictures above vividly describe+名词上面的这幅图画生动地描述了……Indicated above is a picture that portrays+名词如图所示,上面的图画描述了……The picture above foresees a brightdisturbing future of+名词上面的图画预示了……光明令人不安的未来。What does the author intend to convey by describing+名词?通过描述……作者想向我们传递什么?By describing+名词,the author tends to foresee a bright future of+名词通过描述……作者预示了一个关于……的光明未来。As is shown in the above…如图所示……The drawing above does demonstrate certain though provoking social phenomenon.上图确实表明了某种令人深思的社会现象。第一段常用末句句式But is this what the author means to tell us? Certainly not!但是这真是作者想要告诉我们的吗?当然不是了。Certain informative implication is revealed in the picture above.上图揭示了某种有意义的暗示。The implication is not only informative, but instructive as well.这个暗示不仅信息丰富,而且具有教育意义。In a sense, the designer of the picture raises alarm by revealing a similarity between+名词+and+名词总之,图画的作者通过揭示出……和……之间的相似之处,从而表明了警告。By describing+名词,the author highlights an encouraging prospect of…通过对于……的描述,作者强调了……令人鼓舞的一面。The primary purpose of the pictures above is that due attention should be paid to+名词上面这幅图画的主要目的是表明应该关注……The picture, at the first glimpse, seems to be simple, but only a penetrating sight can pierce through its superficial meaning.这幅图画初看好像很简单,但是只有具有洞察力的人才能看穿其肤浅的含义。The picture is so simple that is deserves little explanation, but only sensible readers can capture its essence.图画如此简单以至于无需解释,但是只有敏锐的读者才能抓住其本质。FunnySimple as the picture is, the symbolic meaning is as deep as ocean.尽管图画很有趣简单,图画的含义却如海洋一样深。The author’s real purpose is not the fact itself, but to lead us to find what hides behind the iceburg.作者的真实目的不是图画本身,而是要引导我们去探求在图画背后究竟隐藏着什么。不论是什么样的图画内容,第一段的首句和末句基本逃不出这些句式,你只要能熟练掌握其中的三、四条并加以合理的运用,相信你的图画作文开篇就会让阅卷老师眼前一亮。




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