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2020-10-20 23:25:01



My View on a Minor at College

In order to be more competitive in their future career, many college students choose to work on a minor besides a major. This is quite demanding in that they have to work much harder than those who choose to concentrate on their major only. However, I think it is quite rewarding to have a minor on the side. You may argue that it is only sensible to concentrate on one’s major and work hard in quest of excellence. It is true for students who have a low level of aptitude and are doing poorly in their own major. To them, a minor would only mean a distraction and affect their performance in their major. But considering the severe employment situation in the present job market, walking with two legs is always better. The reason for this is quite obvious. If a student works solely on a major, he or she is confined to the same field of learning for a career. But if a student could manage to work on a minor on the side, it would definitely make a difference. Despite the extra work required of the minor, those who choose to have a minor could have one more chance for his or her employment compared to those who don’t choose one, for they can not only learn more but also can be more competitive in their future hunting for jobs. In conclusion, a minor for college students is demanding but rewarding so far as the factor of future employment is concerned.

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