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A photo of my family

2020-10-20 23:50:01

This is a photo of my family.It was taken in the Ocean Park by a touristlast year.Look!People who is in the picture is smiling!

The woman who is standing in the front is my mother .She is young.Sheis a teacher of Liannan Primary School.The man who is near that building is myfather .He is a doctor.He works very hard.He often tells us:Money isnt almighty.Money can buy a lot of things but knowledge, precious time, true love and soon.If a man has none of this ,though he has a lot of money,he is still poor.So Idont wat you to be like this!

That boy sitting in the middle is me ! I study in Liannan Primary School.I like reading and playingbasketball.

This is my family.We are happy family!



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