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2020-10-20 11:45:01

space 仔细审题 准确立义 规范行文 整洁书写 * * * * * 2010年江苏省高考说明:writing 示例1 示例2 文字材料类 漫画类 漫 画 作 文 议论类 Tasks: 1. To deal with difficulty in writing about cartoons 2. To learn the basic structure of cartoon writing 3. To learn some useful expressions of cartoon writing Group work (1): Appreciate some wonderful sentences学科网 zxxk A mother whose child surfs the Internet frequently is asking the professor how to keep her child away from the PC monitor.姜娜娜 So many parents are asking for some good suggestions that can be effective to protect their children from being drunken with the Internet.孙进 Her child is hooked on playing computer games and surfing the Internet.刘娜娜学科网 zxxk The parents use all the methods that they could think of, but those don’t work.徐谦 It’s no use limiting children’s time because it doesn’t solve the key to the problem.郭义 1. 观察漫画 How to write a good essay? 2. 解析意图 3. 布局谋篇 观察漫画 What should we pay attention to? The underwear is a funny way to show how desperate parents get to prevent children from seeing things they should not! 夸张 观察漫画 Let’s practise! 松松绑 Discuss with your partner and make a list of the key points 1. 辨明褒贬,找准角度 praise or criticize? 解析意图 2. 联系生活,明晰主旨 Imagination! 解析意图 注意: 文字说明部分往往含有重要信息clues, 切记要认真阅读!!! 解析意图 Let’s practise! 松松绑 下图描绘的是许多孩子的苦恼,请你根据对下面这幅漫画的理解用英语写一篇短文,描述一下造成这种现象的原因并发表你的看法。 3 parts: 1 describe the picture 2 interpret its meaning purposes / reasons 3 give your opinions about the phenomenon 布局谋篇 Part 1 Describe the picture The picture is talking about/shows… The picture shows a common phenomenon. The picture describes an interesting phenomenon. In the picture, there are…/…is are doing… The picture above is about … …Let’s look at the picture above/first. Part 2 Interpret the picture It seems very ridiculous that…However, this kind of story is performed everywhere. The picture shows that…It is the exact reflection of… The picture indicates that we…Nowadays, it is a common phenomenon that… This is a satirical 讽刺的 cartoon which describes vividly a kind of common phenomenon among… Part 3 Give your opinions I think/believe that As far as I’m concerned, In my opinion, From my point of view, should It is better/advisable to… I consider it necessary… Only in this way can…. Something to add: 保证三要素-体裁、人称、时态正确 体裁:议论文 人称:第三人称 时态:一般现在时 注意“三写”: 拼写,书写,大小写 Group work (2): 2. Polish up an essay My version: For most of the parents, it’s no easy job to keep their children away from the PC monitor. Let’s look at the picture above. Two people are standing in front of a computer, whose monitor is wearing underwear. The woman is staring at the computer, thinking while the man is telling him that there are three ways to make the Internet safer for her childrenhardware, software and underwear. It may be ridiculous to cover the PC monitor with someone’s underwear, but it shows vividly how desperate parents get when faced with the problem. Concerned about their children’s security, some of them just cut off the access to the Internet at home “the hardware solution”; some choose to use a certain software program to prevent their kids from getting on line –“the software solution”; others may make some rules to limit the time their children spend on the Internet “the underwear solution”! From my point of view, this phenomenon calls for the attention of the whole society. On one hand, the government should make laws to inspect the Internet and ban unhealthy websites. On the other hand, it is better for parents to give their children a proper guide instead of just prevention. Teenagers need to be taught how to distinguish good from bad. Only in this way can the Internet be made safer for the children. 松松绑 下图描绘的是目前许多孩子的苦恼,请你根据对下面这幅漫画的理解用英语写一篇短文,描述一下造成这种现象的原因并发表你的看法。 Assignments The picture shows the helplessness facing many children in China. You will understand better “Too much work makes Jack a dull boy”. He has to go to so many training classes besides his school classes. He is forced to put aside what he really likes. Life is no fun at all for him. Holidays and weekends have become dull work days. He is too tired to learn these lessons well with no interest. This is a satirical cartoon which describes vividly a kind of common phenomenon facing many children. As we all know, many families have only one child, so parents put much expectation on children. They want to equip their children with all kinds of knowledge and skills so that children can be well prepared for the challenges of the future. In my opinion, spare time training courses are a waste of time for many students. They might do better when they show interest in what they are learning. Please don’t force these students to do what they are not willing to, and when learning is fun, surely they will do better than we expect! 一篇好的英语漫画作文 *



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