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2020-10-20 12:15:01

2017 年 12 月大学英语四级真题作文参考范文 ——如何妥善处理师生关系2017 年 12 月大学英语四级考试如期举行, 文都教育老师在考后及时为大家提供英 语四级真题答案及解析,今年英语四级考试有一则作文题目是如何妥善处理师生关系, 参考范文一篇如下: 题目 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essayon how to best handle the relationship between teachers and students. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.参考范文 Boundaries exist in virtually all human relationships, and students teacher relationships are no exception to this rule. This reality gives rise to the following question: what kind of boundaries can be deemed appropriate in an academic setting ?My opinion is that, in general, a relatively formal distance should be kept between professors and their students. One reason to maintain a formal distance between students and teachers is to highlight the instructor’s role as an authority figure. This is important so that the professors can enforce discipline, have instructions followed, and command respect from students. Another reason why teachers should maintain a formal students with their students is to avoid real and perceived bias. If the teacher develops close relationships with the students, it may be difficult to completely eliminate bias. Even the impression of bias may cause some students to feel that they have been treated unfairly. In sum, maintaining a formal distance between teachers and students can ensure an atmosphere of authority in the classroom and avoid both real and perceived bias. 参考译文 几乎所有人类关系中都存在着界限,师生关系也不例外。鉴于此,下面的问题就出 http://cet46.wendu.com/现了,在学术的分为中什么样的界限是合适的?我的观点是:一般而言,师生之间应该 保持一种比较正式的距离。 师生之间保持一种正式的距离目的是为了强调老师作为权威人物的角色。这一点很 重要,这样教师才可以强化纪律,保障教学,也可以得到学生的尊重。老师和学生保持 一种正式的距离的另外一个原因就是避免事实上的或者感觉上的偏见。 如果老师和学生 关系很紧密,评分时做到没有偏见是很苦难的。甚至会让一些学生感到他们收到了不公 平的待遇。 总之,在师生之间保持一定的距离既可以保证课堂的权威性又能避免事实上和感觉 上的偏见。 范文解析 这次的四级作文再次考了和大学生生活极为紧密的话题——如何妥善处理师生关 系,这是每个大学生都会面临的问题。构思本题可以从以下思路入手,首先开篇从所有 的人类关系引出师生关系,并明确给出主题,也就是师生间的关系要保持一定的距离; 中间段落具体阐述师生之间保持一定距离的原因;结尾段进行总结。



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