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英语四级作文万能模板 四级写作万能开头结尾句型及模板

2020-10-20 13:15:01

1.When ask about ...,the vast/overwhelming majority of most /many think /believe/answer that .... But ...

2.When it comes to ...,some think/hold ...

3.Recently,the problem of ... has caused wide public concern.

4.The issue/problem/question of ... has been brought into focus to public attention over recent years.

5.When asked whether it is advisable to ...,different people have different things to say,but in my opinion,I don t think it is wise to do so.

6.Now an increasing number of people are beginning to realize that ...

7. Why ... ?/Can ... ? Of all the complaints/debates/questions I have heard,this is the one most frequently voiced.

8. With the rapid growth of ...,... have become increasingly important in our daily life.

9. With ...playing an increasingly big/vast role in ...,more and more ...

10.One of the problems facing /society today is ...


1.The picture puts a highlights sth.

2.The above picture features a ...

3.Seen from the chart,it can be conclude that ...

4.The cartoon /picture /drawing shows ...

5.In the cartoon shown to us,... Obviously,what the cartoon reveals is ...

6.Such a picture draws attention to the fact that ...

7.It is vividly described in the picture/cartoon that ...

8.It can be discerned from the table that ...

9.From the graph,we know the data of ... and ... It can be seen easily that ...

10.As can be seen in the graph,... saw great changes in ...between ... and ...


1.Therefore it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that ...

2.Therefore,in order to ...,effective measures shou be taken as soon as possible to ...

3.To be sure,there may be difficulties we cannot overcome,but if we ...

4.In brief, ...but this problem is very complicated.perhaps people can hardly rely on only one way to solve the problem completely.

5.People are coming to realize the importance of ... Some have begun to try their best to ... We believe that ...


1. 问题现状

2. 怎样解决解决方案的优缺点

In recent days, we have to face I problem A, which is becoming more and more serious. First, 说明A的现状.Second, 举例进一步说明现状

Confronted with A, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing, 解决方法一. For another 解决方法二. Finally, 解决方法三.

Personally, I believe that 我的解决方法. Consequently, I m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because 带来的好处.


When it comes to ,different people hold different views .

Some contend that . For one thing, .For another, . In spite of all these claims, others maintain that ,They point out that .Another instance often cited is that .

It s no easy task to find a satisfactory answer to the issue. As for me, there s some truth to both arguments .It s advisable to .


Recently, What amazes us most is .It is true that . There are many reasons explaining .The main reason is ,What is more, ,Thirdly, .As a result, .

Considering all these, .For one thing, For another, .In conclusion, .



When it comes to 主题, Different people hold different attitudes to it.

Some people agree with the idea of 观点一. They point out the fact that 阐述观点, and at the same time 阐述观点. They also argue that 换种形式阐述观点一. However, others don t think so. They reckon that 阐述观点二. They firmly point out that 阐述观点. For example, 举例子论证.

In a word I prefer the former或者later idea.或者I hold the view that阐述自己的观点 In addition to the mentioned phenomenon, 根据自己的想法阐述观点.


Recently, some cities are considering 主题词, which has raised peoples concern.

Some people say that 观点一. And 继续阐述观点一. For example, 此处可举一个常见的例子, 更具有说服力. However, some others are opposed to the idea. They argue that 观 点二. Besides, there are 继续阐述观点二 , for example, 举与观点二相关的例子.

As far as I am concerned, Im against the 不赞同的观点. because 原因, and 原因. I believe we should 做法. I think we all have responsibility to....




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