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2017MBA管综英语二大作文真题答案 : 经理人分享

2020-10-20 13:40:01



48.Write an essay based on the following chart.In your writing, you should

1interpret the chart,and

2Give your comments.

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.15 points


What is shown in the chart is the increasing number of the museum and the tourist from 2013 to 2015. During these years, the figure of museums experienced a gradual rise from 4.145 thousand to 4.692 thousand. With the increasing tendency, the tourist’s number was also rising considerably, which was from 6.378 billion to 7.811 billion.

What might contribute to the ring trend? I would like to lay emphasis on the reasons as follows. Among shaping factors, the most important one is that the development of economy which results in more income for people. And it makes people more affordable for the payment of visiting museums. In addition, the government has issued a series of policies to promote the development of culture which makes museums more diversified and more abundant in quantity. And the increasing number of museum satisfies the diversified preference of people. And then, we must admit that more and more people would like to pursue spiritual and cultural experience. They are no longer content to be material demands.

Based on the data and discussions above, we can conclude that the chart is a reflection of our life. And it can be predicted that the more Chinese citizens will visit more museums in the years to come.

温馨提示: MBA中国网考后第一时间发布2017MBA/MPA/MPAcc管理类联考真题答案汇总专题,都学网名师也将对真题答案进行深度解析,帮助大家免费在线估分、为后续复试调剂做好准备。


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