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2020-10-20 15:10:01

① deep breathing method: exam to find a relatively quiet place, standing, eyes Weibi, relax, take a deep breath, and meditation, "1 2 3", I thought: relax, relax. This allows the blood circulation slows down, the mind settle down, the body has a relaxed feel.② play strange face France: find a secluded place to play a little strange face, crooked mouth twisted lip, nose lift askance, relax facial muscles. Small mirror to see if they can face their own quirky demeanor will help laughing laughter, all worrying thoughts are gone.③ spirit of victory: myself, I will be able to succeed, we must be able to exert extraordinary, test a success. I get good, others not how. But will reduce the pressure to keep a sense of balance.④ spot Activities Act: As normal tension also cause the body to produce a lot of heat, so it can slightly Events before the exam, so that emit heat. Can walk, trot, swing, kick; you can then release the hands clenched, so that muscles tighten and then relax; in the examination process can wring about certain parts of the body. This tension will gradually disappear.⑤ eyes closed method: eyes, tongue touching the palate, nasal breathing, settled look. You can imagine a person walking in a secluded forest, Tian Ran contented.



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