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《功夫熊猫》之翻译The translation of Kung Fu Panda

2020-10-20 16:05:01

《功夫熊猫》之翻译(The translation of Kung Fu Panda) The translation of Kung Fu Panda This article is from the Shanghai weekly cut down. Subtitle group: the most common on the network Kung Fu Panda subtitles, is composed of ragbear subtitle group i1984, A Wai, stupid witch, stained Jinran treasure 4 users in the official English subtitles without listening to. bold and imaginative The translation is: by the Shanghai film studio professional voice actors dubbing, which is composed of Po PO deputy director Liu Feng on the translation of the plant, has been dubbed Garfield . quite satisfactory, the most accurate When, I, was, young, and, crazy Caption: young cynic group Translation: young and frivolous here is not some say young and crazy, the translation is young. Can, you, imagine, that, I, am, prepared,Toe, fu? Subtitle group: can you imagine how I make tofu? I think its better to buy a bean curd than to buy a bean curd to kill it Yesterday, is, a, history, tomorrow, is, a, mystery, but, today, is, a, gift, thats Why, it, is, called, present! Subtitle group: yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it is called present Translation: yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift to you, this sentence is an English proverb, a very long time ago, non Kung Fu Panda original, has never been so translation He, meets, his, destiny, on, the, road, he, takes,, to, avoid, it. Subtitle group: the child wants to avoid it, and the latter meets it On the way, I fell down with my fate very well. The subtitle group of this place turned over beautifully. When I saw it in the cinema, I suddenly saw an old Chinese character. All the children were silly Lets start from zero. Subtitle group: lets start at zero level Lets start from the level without level who is more Google? 0, feeling the same level of playing games I, probably, sucked, the, day, than, even, in, the, of, the, Kung, Fu, in, the, history, of, China, and, in, history, the, more, history, of, bad. Subtitle group: I could be the worst in Kung Fu history, the worst in the history of China, the worst in the rotten peoples history. I may be the worst in Kung Fu history, the worst, the worst, the worst in Chinese history. Almost Done, well, I, am, awesome! Subtitle group: just good? Im tough Just good Im strong almost They, are, five, masters, I, am, just, one, me! Subtitle: they five angry, I just, I just a. Translation: they are the five master, I am just one me. It is also different Indeed, in some places the gun version with the language is really popular, but after the release to take into account the various levels of the audience if you really want to make people feel vivid words can also use what the Shaanxi dialect version, Sichuan version, Cantonese version, can be, where the audience will go to top. For this cartoon dubbing, can accurate translation, and the localization of humor which is not easy. Kung Fu Panda and comes roaring ! It has just been released in the mainland, and the sound about it has been overwhelming. Comment on the movie, not even discuss the content, Chinese dubbing and subtitling has become a popular talk. As early as June 20th, many eager netizens downloaded the original Kung Fu Panda , and the online subtitle group offered Chinese subtitles free of charge. Although the irregular and blurred images, but witty lively folk translation is to make a lot of people xiaopodupi. Now, the film is on. Of course, the fuzzy download version than the cinema of the big screen version; Chinese subtitle captions group, whether the enemy had the Chinese Shanghai film dubbing studio dubbing version? The subtitle: tough and young cynic At present, the most popular Kung Fu Panda subtitle version on the Internet is the 4 netizens who are translated by the i1984 group of the poor bear subtitle group , Jinran , the fool , the witch and the dyed treasure . Is a product of enjoyment, but sought after by users, because they write a tough , pandas often some even called them tough subtitles group. At that time, the university teachers i1984 responsible for 20 minutes before the Kung Fu Panda the translation and the subtitles proofreading, a lot of tough lines are in his own handwriting, 我年轻的时候比如把和疯狂的 译成 年少轻狂 更为贴切,不过 愤青 现在很流行,所以他最后还是用了 愤青 。至于熊猫的口头禅 真棒 ,他大都译成 彪悍 : 美国脱口秀节目里经常出现这个词。 笨蛋魔女是广东人,就是她把 宝 译成了 肥波 ,使一只美国制造的大熊猫有了几分香港电影的气质。其他动物如老虎猴子,则被集思广益地译成了中国味的 虎妞猴哥 ,而发音为 大龙 的大反派雪豹,则成了 太郎 。 至于片中大段大段带有禅意的英文对白,i1984 他们有时会转化为短小精悍的中国成语或谚语,比如把 你的思想就如同水,我的朋友,当水波摇曳时,很难看清,但如果你让它平静下来,答案就清澈的 翻译成 心如此水,乱则不明。若心如止水,答案便尽现眼前 。 翻译《功夫熊猫》比一般的片子爽得多。 因为《功夫熊猫》花了大力气研究中国文化,虽然有时词不达意,比如叫熊猫的师傅 师傅 ,但很多时候,片中动物一张口,葫芦里卖什么药都能猜个八九不离十。当然,听译免不了出错,所以拿到正确的英文字幕后他们还要进行校正。到目前为止,i1984 还没有去电影院看配音版的《功夫熊猫》。问他对配音版的看法,他笑: 配音的电影也有很好看的,比如以前放的《博物馆奇妙夜》。 至于他们自己,则套用《功夫熊猫》中的台词: 我们做字幕的就像做面条的,要是每个人吃了都说一句awesome 吸引力 ,我们就满足了。 上译正规军:配音版最准确 《功夫熊猫》的配音导演程玉珠,是上海电影译制厂(以下简称上译)创作部的副主任,并为电影中的大反派 大龙 配音。他很理解年轻人喜欢电影这种习惯,但他还是觉得 配音版是最准确的,也最能传达电影原意。 我知道网上所谓的 字幕组,有时候我也看一些,但是我经常会发现一些错误,有些甚至前后对应不起来。我觉得,翻译这个事情,是一个很专业的事情,光靠热情是不够的。 至于那些个性化,甚至方言化的翻译,程玉珠觉得可以接受,但上译不会这样做, 毕竟我们的配音是面对整个国家的观众,太过个性化的翻译,有些人能理解,有些人可能理解不了,这就失去了配音的本来用意。 对于《功夫熊猫》, 我知道这个片子,在翻译上肯定会有很多不同的风格。比如你们看的原音配字幕的版本,我配的这个 大龙,他们叫 残豹,其实这是香港的翻译风格,他们通常会根据人物和台词的内在意思做一些改变。我们都不会做,因为我们一直想尊重创作者本来的意思,更何况这一次在片尾的字幕里,这些人物的名字都给了汉语,那我们肯定要按照人家本来的意思来,这才是最尊重人家创作的做法? 程玉珠把上译厂说得很 刻板 ,其实《功夫熊猫》的配音版常有灵光一现的东西,比如 买块豆腐撞死 、 很好,很强大 。 我们拿到这个片子的时候,就知道这个片子并不是并不是给小孩子看的,而是给年轻人看的。所以顾奇勇在这个方面也有一些主意,放了很多很时髦的词汇进去。 顾奇勇不是上译的专职翻译,却是上译的王牌, 上一次大受好评的《加菲猫》就是他翻译的 。 在原版《功夫熊猫》中,安吉丽娜 茱莉、达斯汀 霍夫曼等大牌纷纷献声,香港和台湾的版本也请来了诸如成龙这样的明星,唯独内地版由专业配音演员配音,因为 给的钱不多,所以我们没想到邀请明星,引进公司华夏给我们的钱,可能还不够请一个明星的费用。 程玉珠认为,现在这个配音阵容是最合适的, 配熊猫阿宝的刘风,是我们的副厂长,他个人很擅长这类的角色,上次的《加菲猫》就是他配的,而且他的外形也很合适,胖胖的,有个大肚子;我们找来配乌龟的吴文伦,是个老配音,现在戴假牙, In order to find the tortoise masters feeling, I told him to pick up his false teeth and fit them with the mouth of the air leak. In fact, we dub, there are many Kung Fu you can not see. Who is more appropriate? When, I, was, young, and, crazy Caption: young cynic group On the young. Can, you, imagine, that, I, am, prepared, Toe, Fu? Subtitle group: can you imagine how I make tofu? Id rather have tofu than kill a bean curd! Yesterday, is, a, history, tomrrow, is, a, mystery, but, today, is, a, gift, that, is, why,, it, is, called, present. Subtitle group: yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it is called present . Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, but today is a gift. He, meets, his, desiny, on, thd, road, he, takes,, to, avoid, it. Subtitle group: the child wants to avoid it, and the latter meets it. On the way, I bumped into my fate Lets start from zero. Subtitle group: lets start at zero level! Lets begin at a level that is never level! I, probably, sucked, the, day, than, ever, in, the, of, the, Kung, Fu, in, the, history, of, China, and, in, history, the, more, history, of, bad. Subtitle group: I may be the worst in Kung Fu history, the worst in Chinese history, the worst in rotten peoples history. I may be the worst in history, the worst, the worst, the worst in history. Done, well, I, am, awesome! Subtitle group: just good? Im tough! Just good Im strong! They, are, five, masters, I, am, just, one, me! Subtitle group: they are five masters, I just, I just a. On the five but they master, and I am just me. It is worth mentioning that, in the Kung Fu Panda in the emergence of weapons, as well as martial arts tricks, translation and Xiong Xiong subtitles group have adopted literal translation methods, such as invisible Trident , five streams of God finger and so on. But one on the network As the subtitle groups the garden of Eden, was translated into invisible, Tsing Lung Yan yuedao Wushi finger hold , more the charm, especially the latter, both poetry and zen! P.S. The subtitle: there are some enthusiastic and understand the language of users on the network, they often listen to the subtitle translation or the original, not paid for foreign film and television works with Chinese subtitles, because many film and television works on, and also with Therefore, translating subtitles requires a lot of people working together. And such a group of people, usually referred to as the subtitle group . Forums on the internet usually have their own subtitle groups, and each subtitle group will compete with each other in terms of quality and speed of translation.



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