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我的理想公寓英语作文 英语作文公寓

2020-10-20 16:40:01

Each people all have own dream, I also have their own ideal. This ideal, like a destination, waiting for you to; This ideal, is such a rush, waiting for you to climb. Want to some years, ideal to achieve! Our mood what kind of?I lay in bed, thinking of his own ideal...I want to be a writer, and write hundreds of article is beyond praise of the article, write hundreds of this vivid novel. I will write for children fairy tale, let them from the enlightenment, and grow up by fairy tale for our country effect. Want to at that time, I already famous, no matter where people are familiar with, I, the reporter constantly around me, loud cracking sound came from, they are loud cracking sound came from the photos of people first collection.I wanted to be an astronaut. At that time, I will be the world s first female astronauts in a spaceship fly space, the secret to explore space. By then, many of the mystery will be opened. I ll in planet fossils, studied collecting space. I will invite the alien visitors to our earth, and the earth to the children, and friends hand in hand. Let them know of our earth.I also want to be a ecotourist, in global travel. To the Antarctic continent, where snow, countless penguins in welcome me. To Egypt to see that 座座 the pyramids and the like, Egypt had about ancient history and culture. To neighbors, Japan to see that a mysterious mt. Fuji. To New York to visit the statue of liberty. To France, look at the world s famous the Eiffel Tower. To South America, through the pieces of the tropical rain forest, appreciate the beautiful tropical plants, experience the crocodile, carnivorous ant fierce...However, only by good imagination is useless, want to use the actual action to prove that, from now on, good good study, armed with knowledge, let the near future to realize a ideal.



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