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写一封信给远在美国的一位朋友 介绍一下你的家乡.英语作文

2020-10-20 17:00:02

Dear Mike,I am Liping.I want to introduce my family to you.When I was a child ,I am very innocent.But I knew,my parents were hard working so as to pleased our life quality.Though I was borned in a common family,I knew for sure I was loved.My mother is 36 years old woman who is a waitress in the Coffee Shop.To my mothers delight,she can take care of me because the Coffee Shop is close to our house.Whats more,my mother will do some shopping after return from working in everydays twilight.After that,she will go home as soon as possible and cook for us.In my eyes,she is an angel who brighten up my life.My father is a busy man who is working in a hosiptal,and he is 40 years old now.My good father is a professional doctor who is full of patient.So he always has to work untill midnight.However,Saturday is our family day ,my busy father usually go fishing with us.I love my family from the bottom of my heart.That is all.Please write to me soon.Yours,Liping亲爱的麦克,我是李平,我想跟你介绍下我的家庭.在我小时候,我非常天真懵懂.但是我知道,我父母为了满足我们的生活质量,都很努力的工作.虽然我出生在一个普通的家庭,但是我能够肯定,我被深深地爱着.我妈妈是个36岁的女人,在一家咖啡馆做女侍应.使她高兴的是,咖啡馆离我们家很近,能够方便她照顾我.而且,每天的黄昏,我妈妈下班后都会去买些东西.然后以最快的速度赶回家做饭给我们.她是一个天使照亮我的生命.我爸爸在医院工作是个忙碌的男人.他现在已经40岁了.我的好爸爸是个很专业的医生而且富有耐心.所以他经常要工作到半夜.然而,星期6是我们的家庭日,我忙碌的爸爸通常就会带我们去钓鱼了.我打心底里爱着我的家庭!就这么多,等待你的回信.李平如果有什么问题可以找我.祝学业进步.请记得采纳.



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