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2020-10-20 18:25:01

The Importance of Using Words CorrectlyEverybody uses words with special meanings. The more exact we are, the more likely we are to use such words. A word, properly used, can be as useful as several sentences, or even a picture.As you study science, you will find that a diagram, a drawing, or a photograph may also help you learn and under stand. Each of these special words describes a kind of picture. It is important to learn the exact meanings of words like these. A photograph is a picture made with camara. A drawing is a picture done with a pencil, a pen or crayons. A diagram is a drawing that shows the important parts of a thing.You will learn science words by learning their definitions. This means that you will learn how to describle what science words mean using other, more familiar words. Soon you will find how easy it is to express yourself clearly with the help of science words.Learning to use science words correctly is not different from learning to do anything well. We learn by practising and by constantly trying to improve. It is not so important to say the definitions of words, but it is quite important that we learn to use words corretly to express ideas.[点评]作者阐述了准确运用词汇的重要性,并建议读者通过学习具体词汇尤其是科学词汇的定义来掌握词的所指,达到正确使用的目的。虽然转接词用得不多,但语句简单、明了,行文流畅。[参考译文]正确使用语言的重要性人人都使用具有特殊意义的词汇。我们做事越是严谨,就越有可能使用这样的词。一个词若用得恰当,其作用相当于几个句子,甚至一幅图画。在学习科学的时候,你会发现一个图解,一个制图或者一张照片有可能帮助你搞清楚,开明白一些问题。这些特殊词语中的每个记号都描述一种图画。了解这些词的确切意义很重要。照片是用照相机制成的图画;制图是用铅笔,钢笔或炭笔描绘出来的图画;图解则是解释说明某件物品重要部位的绘图。你可以通过学习其定义来学习科学词语。这就意味着你将学习怎样用其他更熟悉的记号来描述科学词汇的含意。很快你就会发现借助科学词语使自己表达清楚是多么容易。学习正确使用科学词语与学好做其他事没有什么不同。我们通过练习和不断的尝试来长进。说出词语的定义并不重要,但是学会正确使用词语表达思想是非常重要的。



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