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2020-10-20 18:30:01

Ex : 修改病句并 指出下列各句的基本句型。1. It rains heavily now.2. I feel tiring.3. I very like English. 应改为tired应改为is rainingy g4. He gave she a pen.5. I find it easy learn English. 应改为very much应改为her应加上to典型错误例析 一、 中式英语 二、关系不一致 三、词性混用 四、重复累赘 五、选词搭配不当 六、关联词用法错误 七、非完整句子 八、句子缺乏统一性 九、句子缺乏连贯性或指代不明 十、标点符号误用一、中式英语 误Good good study, day day up. 误I very like listen music and every day I also will see some newspapers. 正Study hard and you ll make progress every day. 误I don t know I should do what. 正I like listening to music very much and every day I read some newspapers as well 正I don t know what I should do方法点拨: 要减少中式英语必须做到: 1)养成用英语进行写作的习惯,注意中西文化差异所带来的不同表达;养成用英语进行写作的习惯,注意中西文化差异所带来的不同表达; 2平时多归纳总结、纠正汉式英语;多读原汁原味英语平时多归纳总结、纠正汉式英语;多读原汁原味英语巩固练习 :找出并改正下列各词句中的错误。1. Chinese have 1.3 billion population.2. Everywhere can see this kind of tree.China has a population of 1.3 billion.We can see this kind of tree everywhere.3. Li Ping in the morning has 5 classes, afternoon has 2 classes.We can see this kind of tree everywhere.Li Ping has five classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon.4. Her age is very young. 5. Study hard will sure succeed.6. He happened a serious accident last year.She is very young.Studying hard, you will be sure to succeed. 7. They each other help with finish their homework.A serious accident happened to him last year.They help each other with their homework.二、关系不一致 误In the bedroom there are a bed, a desk and a chair. 正In the bedroom there is a bed, a sofa, a desk and a chair.方 关 一 一 一 一 方法点拨 关系不 致主要是指主谓不 致、时态不一致,主谓、动宾搭配、介词搭配不一致等。、时态不一致,主谓、动宾搭配、介词搭配不一致等。巩固练习:找出并改正下列各词句...



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