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My View on English as a Foreign Language

2020-10-20 19:15:01

时间:2011 08 08来源:作文地带整理栏目:作者:匿名 收藏: My View on English as a Foreign Language 要求 英语作为一门外语,已成为世界性语言,使用英语的人越来越多。 有人认为英语将会占领世界市场,我们要大力提倡学习; 有人认为我们应更重视母语的教育与发展,让中文普及世界范围; 试论你对英语有何看法。 参考作文地带整理范文: English is a inter

My View on as a Foreign Language



is a internationaly language which becomes importantly for modern world.In China, is took to be a foreigh language which many student choosed to learn. They begin to studying at a early age. They use at least one hour to learn knowledges a day. Even kids in kindergarten have begun learning simple words. Thats a good phenomenan, for is essential nowadays. In addition to, some people think is superior than Chinese. In me opinion, though is for great significance, but is after all a foreign language. it is hard for people to see eye to eye. do help us read original works, but Chinese helps us learn a true China. Only by characters Chinese literature can send off its brilliance. Learning a countrys culture, especial its classic culture, the first thing is learn its language. Because of we are Chinese, why do we give up our mother tongue and learn our owne culture through a foreign language?



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