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2020-10-20 20:15:01

The primary school students have different opinions on what kind of person can become a monitor .We can see from the pie chart that about 4.41% of the students believe that those who have good relationship with others are likely to become a monitor.More students (around 6%), however, think that the most important character of a monitor is having responsibility.Interestingly, there are about 11.04% considering that a monitor should have a good look while 11.76% of them suppose that teachers usually appoint their favourite students as monitors. The majority of students, about 67% believe that only when they do well in their studies can they have the chance to become a monitor.On the one hand, I think, being a monitor requires high grades in study so that you can set a good example to the fellow students. On the other hand, being responsible is of equal importance to studying well. You need to be a good assistant to your teacher to help deal with some daily affairs in class, and sometimes when the head teacher is away, you are to be in charge of the class.



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