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急求1关于父母对我期望的 英语作文!

2020-10-20 21:25:01



Well,different families have different expectations about career,money,children and their own family.We all choose which expectations that we want to live up to and have to live with those consequences.Some parents are quite rigid about their expectatins.In these cases,children have to choose whether to be independent and follow their own path or adhere to their family’s expectations.I know that in the west,we are encouraged to follow our own path at any cost.But,someontimes,it does have disasterous results.Every decision that we make has good and bad consequences.For me,I want my children to live to their highest potential.This may not be college,but it is doing their best at a field that they enjoy.Each one of my children have been given certain gifts… … we all have.I want them to use those gifts responsibly.All that said:Yes,I would be disappointed if my youngest son became a rapper spewing language that I find inappropriate,my daughter became a stripper,even if she was quite successful at dancing and getting men to spend their money,my oldest son being a hitmaneven if he possessed strength and wisdom about the kill and if my middle son became a drug dealereven if he was the most shifty and quite the salesman.So,there are limits.I do expect my children to keep a close family bond with me.I do expect them to “listen” to my advice.Note:I did notsay “follow,” but at least listen and consider.Afterall,it isironic when children think that the parents are “too old,” to give advice,then these children get “too old” and … …I think that a healthy discussion about expectations between children and parents is a good thing.A compromise might be in order to keep the family bonds,yet respect individuality.



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