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抖音上的英文句子 唯美精致 漂亮的让人落泪!

2020-10-20 21:45:01



03 0300:09

一、听闻爱情,十有九悲,听闻过往,十忆九伤。Hearing of love, nine out of ten sorrows, hearing of the past, nine out of ten memories.

二、人生如烟花,不可能永远悬挂天际;只要曾经绚烂过,便不枉此生。Life is like fireworks, it can not hang in the sky forever; as long as it has been brilliant, it will not be in vain.

三、不乱于心,不困于情。不畏将来,不念过往。如此,安好。Not confused in the heart, not trapped in the feelings. Dont fear the future, dont miss the past. So, good.

四、这世上所有的久处不厌,都是因为用心。All the longevity in this world is due to intentions.

五、哪有什么来日方长,从来都是三旬过场,人走茶凉。Where theres a long way to go, always in March, people go to tea.

六、我不要短暂的温存,只要你一世的陪伴。I do not want short term warmth, as long as you accompany the whole life.

七、心甘情愿才能理所当然,理所当然才会义无反顾。Willingness is the only way to take it for granted, and righteousness is the only way to take it for granted.

八、任何东西只要足够迷惑你,就足以毁了你。心软是病,情深致命。Anything that confuses you enough is enough to destroy you. Soft heart is a disease, and deep feeling is fatal.

九、就算世界荒芜,总有一个人,他会是你的信徒。Even if the world is deserted, there will always be someone who will be your follower.

十、时光轻缓,微风正好;彼时当年少,莫负好时光。Time is gentle, the breeze is just right; then when you were young, dont miss the good time.

十一、因为无能为力,所以顺其自然。因为心无所恃,所以随遇而安。Because there is nothing to do, let it be. Because the heart has nothing to depend on, so be at ease with circumstances.

十二、万里长篇不及你只言片语,风和日丽不如你寥寥一面。Ten thousand miles is not as long as you just say a few words, the wind and sunshine is not as beautiful as you.

十三、很多事没有来日方长,很多人只会乍然离场,很多话未出口先成伤。Many things are not as long as the future, many people will just leave the scene suddenly, many words are injured before exporting.

十四、淡淡的日子,淡淡的心情,淡淡的阳光,淡淡的风,凡事淡淡的,就好。Light days, light moods, light sunshine, light wind, everything light, just fine.

十五、就算生活中有再多的失望,也希望你能试着接受,并且学着不为难自己。Even if there are more disappointments in life, I hope you can try to accept them and learn not to embarrass yourself.

十六、宠的多了就会放肆,忍的多了就会怨恨,所以爱要懂得分寸。More spoiled will be wanton, more tolerant will resent, so love to know how to measure.

十七、不要那么相信回忆,里面的那个人,不一定会怀念你。Dont trust the memory so much. The person in it will not necessarily miss you.

十八、闲看花开,静待花落,冷暖自知,干净如始。Watch the flowers open, wait for the flowers to fall, cold and warm self knowledge, clean as ever.

十九、岁月静好,从年少到暮夕,唯有深情共白头。Years are quiet, from youth to dusk, only affectionate hoary head.

二十、能让你活得最像自己的人,必然会是那个最爱你且你最爱的人。The person who makes you live the most like yourself is the one who loves you the most and you love the most.

二十一、总有一个人,一直住在心底,却消失在生活里。There is always a person who lives in the bottom of his heart, but disappears in life.

二十二、过往不恋,未来不迎,当下不负,如此安好。Past love, future not welcome, present not negative, so good.

二十三、细节往往胜过情话,陪伴往往胜过言语。Details are often better than words, and company is often better than words.

二十四、让你难过的事情,有一天,你一定会笑着说出来。What makes you sad, one day, you will say it with a smile.


最近更新:03 0300:09


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