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2020-10-20 21:45:01

套路: 首段:描述图表引出话题

It can be seen from the chart that there have been sharp/slight increases/decreases in the number of people travelling abroad in City X in the past decade. As the statistics shows/indicates, the year XX witnessed …. However, ….

中段解释现象分析原因:There are a number of factors accounting for/responsible for the change, but the following are the most critical ones. First of all, … In addition / What is more / Additionally, … Last but not least, …

末段总结提出建议:In a word / To conclude / In conclusion, this chart/pie chart/form/table/graph/ the above statistics is a perfect indicator of … what makes me convinced is that …



首段:Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! I am …from…. It is my great honor to stay with all of you for a whole …. Just as the old saying goes, “It is always a pleasure to greet a friend from afar”. Confucious

中段:The following is my detailed introduction to myself. First, …. Second, …. Last,….

尾段:If you have any question advice recommendation /need any further information, please feel free to/do not hesitate to ask/inform/call/ contact me at any time. Thanks for your listening/ attention.



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