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2020-10-21 00:40:01

假如你是新华中学的学生李华, 你最近发现美国某大学在中国招生的广告, 挺感兴趣, 请你用英语给该大学写一封电子邮件, 内容如下:1.简要介绍你的基本情况;2.就你感兴趣的方面提出几个问题, 如成绩要求,学费多少, 学制几年, 住宿情况等;注意: 1.词数120 150;2.可适当增加细节。Dear Sir or Madam,I m a senior student of Xinhua high school. I ve read your advertisement to admit Chinese students to your university. I hope that I can get this chance. Now, let me introduce myself first.I m good at study and have got good gyachievements in every academic subject and got several first prizes in many competitions. Besides, I have an outgoing personality and get on well with others. In my spare time, I often take part in all kinds of voluntary activities to protectggenvironment, help children in poor areasto go on with their education or visit some elderly people who have no childrento look after them and so on. Meanwhile, would you please tell me more information ? I wonder whatmore information ? I wonder what requirements you have for the academic subjects? Should I take some tests? In addition, what is the expense foreach school year and how many schoolyears in all? Finally, are there dormitories for students to live in ? If you can tell me the answers, I ll be very grateful. I m reallyeager to be admitted to your college.I m looking forward to your reply.Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua



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