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2020-10-21 00:45:01

The history of the famous Buddhist Luolunsa surprisingly small area.Most of the regional vision can be far easier for people to walk to reach the scene,Most of the tourists who come are directed at Dover Luolunsa Cathedral of Our Lady of flowers,it is the citys historical landmarks and focus It Giotto tower,baptismal Hall and opera are ideal visitors to the museum.The south is Xinaliya Cathedral Square,it has long been the political center of this city,Weijiao side of the Palace Square,the town hall and Dover Luolunsa Uffizzi art gallery.Uffizzi art gallery is one of Italys best and the brightest; Holy Cross Cathedral,a church located to the east.churches have retained many famous painter Giottos frescos and Buddha Luolunsa greatest personalities in the cemetery; Luolunsa Cathedral in the west is another famous Buddhist Church Santa Maria Delphes Hannelore Cathedral.Murals covered the whole of this church chapel icing on the cake.And the old bridge across the display in front of Hortelano,Pentecostal churches and the broader Pitti is the famous buildings,and the district also has many art galleries containing many of the great Renaissance artist for peace,the role of Rafael and Titian was also acquires.



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