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自助游的好处 The Advantages of Independent Travel

2020-10-21 00:55:01

Nowadays, as Chinese economy develops so fast, people’s life standard also improved. They have more money and start to chase for amusement. Travel is the first choice. It not only can broaden their vision, but also relieve their pressure. Young people trend to independent travel, while the old like group travel. I am favor of the former.如今,由于中国经济的快速发展,人们的生活水平也得到了提高。他们有更多的钱,之后就开始追求娱乐。旅行是首选。旅游不仅可以拓宽视野,也可以减轻压力。年轻人倾向于自助游,然而老一辈则喜欢跟团游。我倾向于前者。On the one hand, independent travel is much free. I can go to any tourist site of the city. Sometimes people tell me the interesting place and I can change my schedule anytime. Group travel focuses on shopping and the tourist guide will implant you the idea to purchase products. What’s more, you have to compete for the food and the seat with other visitors.一方面,自助游更自由。去到一个城市,我可以去其中的任何一个旅游景点。有时候人们会告诉我一些有趣的地方,我可以随时改变计划。跟团游倾向于购物,导游会给大家灌输购物的想法。而且,有时候还不得不和其他游客抢吃的和座位。On the other hand, I will have more time to learn the culture. As my time is scheduled by me, so I can decide how long I willstay in one place. I like to make friends with local people. When I am communicating with them, I can learn their culture, which makes me so excited.另一方面,我将有更多的时间去了解文化。由于时间由自己安排,所以我可以决定在一个地方花多少时间。我喜欢和当地人交朋友,跟他们交流的时候,我可以了解到他们的文化,这让我很兴奋。Independent travel is favored by more people, whichit will be the young people’s first chioce.自助游越来越受到人们的青睐,这将成为年轻人的首选。 查看全文



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