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2020-10-21 01:25:01


Part IWriting 30 minutes

Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay onthe importance of motivation and methods in learning.You can cite examples to illustrate yourviews. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay onthe importance of mutual understanding and respect in interpersonal relationships.You can cite examples to illustrate yourviews. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay onthe importance of team spirit and communication in the workplace.You can cite examples to illustrate yourviews. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


2019年6月大学六级作文共有三个话题,且都是围绕着 重要性 进行展开。整体难度较去年来看,基本持平。接下来,将六级的三个作文给大家作一个简单的剖析。


Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay onthe importance of motivation and methods in learning.You can cite examples to illustrate yourviews. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay onthe importance of mutual understanding and respect in interpersonal relationships.You can cite examples to illustrate yourviews. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay onthe importance of team spirit and communication in the workplace.You can cite examples to illustrate yourviews. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.



其次,从考察内容上来讲,题目日益贴近大学生的实际生活,重在考察学生的实际写作水平,一些 假大空 的所谓模板句则越来越没有用武之地,因此,考生要切实提高写作水平,对于描写、记叙、说明、议论、举例等写作手法都要掌握。例如,本次考试当中就涉及到关于 目的与方法 , 理解与尊重 , 合作与沟通 相关重要性的论证。鉴于上述原因,平时加强英文写作训练就显得尤为重要。



Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay onthe importance of team spirit and communication in the workplace.You can cite examples to illustrate yourviews. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.



3.写作字数是150 200字。


TheImportance of Team Spirit and Communication in the Workplace

When it comes to the team spirit and communication, all of us ought to see it in perspective. Fortunately, with the society commercializing and competition becoming fierce, a substantial number of people are paying dueattention to it.

It is apparent thatwe are supposed to be aware of the importance of team spirit and communication, especially in workplace.Hardly can anyone achieve success in his career without the assistance of his colleagues and communication with hispartners. Asgrows increasingly fierce, we must defeat our rivals through powerful team work.Take basketball star Yao Ming for an example.He can slam the duck smartly because all his teammatescontribute more or less to his outstanding performance.If we work separately, we will be confined to frail minds and limited resources.

On the basis of the analysis above, we may draw a conclusion that team spirit and communicationreally count in this competitive society. Therefore, we should associate ourselves harmoniously withour companionsin every attempt towards our goals. In addition, it is indispensable to train our kids frequently to interactsmoothly with others in a team. As the frequently quoted proverb goes, unity is strength.






今年六级翻译主题与 成语 紧密相关,虽不能在之前的真题中找到相同试题,但类似的内容课堂上以及后期押题中都反复训练过并着重讲解过,所以认真听课并按要求练习过的同学应该觉得很容易。传统文化是四六级翻译和写作常考话题,大家应该高度重视,下面回顾翻译真题,并解析参考译文。




Chinese idiom is a unique way of expression in Chinese, mostly composed of four Chinese characters. Although highly concise and fixed in form, they usually entail profound meanings. Most idioms stem from ancient Chinese literature and are usually related with certain myths, legends or historical events. It is difficult to understand its exact meaning with little knowledge of its origin as learning idioms helps people better understand Chinese traditional culture. Idioms are widely used in daily conversation and literary creation. Proper use of idioms can make a person s language more expressive and help to deliver a more effective communication.


2019年6月六级翻译真题一共包含六句话,而且段落布局非常符合汉语短句排列、用短不用长的行文习惯;就语序而言,基本以顺序句型为主,这点和英语较为接近,因而翻译中语序无需做过大调整;就时态而言,该段话是对中国成语的一般描述,所以在翻译的过程中,以一般现在时为主;微观角度而言,关于翻译中遇到的词汇,首先关于段落核心词, 成语 ,常用的翻译为 Chinese idiom ,且在试题的括号中已给出译文,如果用复数 Chinese idioms 也是可以得分的。其次是 神话、传说或历史事件 ,译为 myths, legends or historical events 。 使一个人的 ,交流更有效 ,原文为主谓结构,翻译时转换结构并增加了help to的部分,翻译为 help to deliver a more effective communication 。



印象深刻的一件事作文400字 我喜欢的植物作文300字 那一声叮咛作文600字 西游记读后感400字作文 幸福的味道作文600字 写过年的作文300字 你是我最感激的人作文 难忘的一天作文400字 关于放烟花的作文 包饺子作文200字 写物的作文500字 包春卷作文 最动听的声音作文 传统文化作文800字 我的梦想作文三年级 西游记读后感作文 成长作文600字初中 爬山作文600字 中考英语满分作文 叙事作文400字 家乡习俗作文 三年级作文题目 做菜作文 夕阳 作文 申论大作文 作文 我的家乡 学习 作文 回忆 作文 奋斗作文600 我学会了什么作文600字