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2020-10-21 01:45:01

关键句型一:表达看法的句型(以本题"有人认为学英语该从儿童时期开始"为例)1. some of them think that it is necessary to start learning English from childhood.2. Some of the students point out that it is good to start learning English from childhood.3. Some of them hold the idea that it is necessary to start learning English at an early age.4. Their point of view is that it is necessary to start learning English from childhood.5. In those peoples opinion, it is good to start learning English at ah early age.6. Some of them argue that it is a good idea to start learning English from childhood.关键句型二:表示支持的句型(以本题“有人赞同学英语该从儿童时期开始”为例)1. Some of them agree with the idea that English learning should start early I childhood.2. Some of them are for the idea that English learning should start early in childhood.3. Some students think that it is right to start learning English from childhood.4. Some students think it is a good idea to learn English from a young age.5. Some students consider it reasonable to learn English from childhood.reasonable adj. 合理的;有道理的6. Some people are in favor of learning English from a young age.7. Some of them approve of the idea that it is good to start learning English from childhood. approve of: 赞成;满意8. Some students think that there is something to the notion that English learning should start at a young age. notion n. 观念;想法

关键句型三:表示反对的句型(以本题“另一些反对从小开始学英语”为例)1. Some of them dont think that it is a good idea to start learning English at an early age.2. Other students are opposed to the idea that children should start learning English at a young age.3. Other students dont think it is suitable for the children to start learning English at a young age.4. Some of them are against the idea that it is necessary to learn English from childhood.5. Other students disapprove of the idea that it is necessary to learn English from childhood. disapprove of : 反对6. Other students disagreed with the idea that it is necessary to learn English from childhood.7. But others do not agree with the idea that it is necessary to learn English from childhood.8. Some of the students would not like to give their support to the idea that it is necessary to learn English from childhood.



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